Hello Beautiful Ones,
This gamma ray blast is very interesting and having a very powerful
affect for us here on Earth.
It is further blossoming and unfolding our ascension to the New Earth
reality. What a beautiful dance of creation and when in silence one who
goes traveling within can tap in and view the marvels of miracles that
are there to behold. If your bodies are experiencing physical challenges
such as headaches, muscles aches, stomach aches or muscle cramping or
jolting of the entire body you can bet you are aligning to what is
transpiring within the cosmos as an empath of our universes evolution.
Times of change and morphing are upon us.
What I have received about this supernova that Nasa speaks about is
associated with the blue ray coming to us from universe 2 on October
17th, 2006. It was called Mission 1017 where our thoughts and intentions
were magnified a thousand times between the coordinates of 10:17AM and
1am 10-18-2006. I was at the Serpent mound in Ohio (amazing cosmic
portal) on 10-18-06 where I was gifted with an amazing picture of the
head of the serpant where I had set up an altar for ceremony and
meditation. It was golden/orange energy emanating from the head of the
serpent, which I was connecting to it was the golden magi, very high
vibational beings assisting from on high. This nova is just coming into
our awareness to perceive from 12.2 billion light years away. It's
energy and purpose are of great magnitude and offer pure potential
beyond what we have been aligned with in this hour of need. It is
creating a quantum leap so to speak when the divine timing and perfect
alignment of the cosmic codes (tetranomes) of its centropic energy
drenches this planet and all of it's inhabitants. The exact time is not
given but it will be sooner than 2012. I am not sure if this knowledge
is meant for me specifically and anyone else who is aligned with it's
potential or if this will catapult the masses and grace us all with the
New Earth reality of pristine air, water and earth when it's quantum
abilities are sparked into the earth;s grid and we are energtically
prepared for it. I believe this is what will bring forth the zero point
alignment of the Earth plane. The Earth has went from vibrating at 6.8
hertz some 8 or so years ago to 12 and some odd hertz today and when we
reach 13 hertz this is the HUman resonance which will bring us back and
align us to the divine blue print of perfection, limitless physical
perfection The photon energy is greatly assisting us from the Great
Central Sun but this is yet another part of the divine plan sequence of
our evolution. The One Divine Mind of the Creator is blessing us with
this amazing cosmic rain through the law of cause and affect bringing
and answering all of our prayers and visions back to us creating a
sustainable planet where all life is treasured and respected. This I see
with an inner eye and it is so close it is bleeding through our reality,
blinking in and out that it will be soon. So tune in to this loving gift
that we here on Earth have gifted ourselves through the creators laws if
you so desire and if this resonates as truth for you. Take in and drink
from this what you will.
Also we entered the Red Serpent Wavespell of the Mayan Dreamspell
calendar with the Galactic Hawk Moon on February 17th.. These wavespells
consist of 13 days and this one has 10 out of the 13 that are galactic
activation portals that ask us to enter them and drink of what they
energetically offer starting on Feb 18th through Feb 27th.
It is unusual to have this many galactic portals one after another for
this many days. I can give a brief energtic impression here for you.
There is much information on line if you are interested in aquiring more
information on line about how to use the Dreamspell Mayan calendar. This
is just one of 22 Mayan calendars. They all have their puropse ushering
up to the collapse of time as we know it. We can align with this energy
here and now by using the Mayan calendars. It places us in the true
reason for being a HUman and that is that a physical experience equals
art/creation unlike the consciousness of time equals money. We are
moving out of being in that experience and our reality of it is being
broken down for the highest good of all. We will be just fine and be so
busy creating all the changes and new ways of being that there will be
so much "work" we will not be able to fill the job assignments. This too
I see on the inner. We are in the midst of the Sixth Day of yet another
Mayan phropisized phase which is the energy of flowering and renaissance,
How beautiful is that!!! and we have also entered into a galactic cycle
of our evolution (can't remember how many years this will be) as per the
Amncient Mayan eldlers who have been so right on about everything that
they have shared throughout eons of time.
The artilcle and picture of the gamma ray burst along with the days the
comet is closet to Earth is at the end of this email. I did want to
share with you a brief energetic impression of the galactic portal days
past and to come as per the Dreamspell calendar. Skip to the aricle for
your convenience and just read the energies of the day each day they
arrive if it so resonates in your heart. The days I have listed below
are only the 10 galactic activation portal days. The wavespell actually
started on 2/17 and goes through the full thirteen days ending on 2/28.
2/18 - White Lunar World-Bridger: polarize to equalize, seal the store
death, stabilize opportunity, guided by the power of endlessness...
enter me,
2/19 - Blue Electric Hand: Activate to know, bonding healing, seal the
store of accomplishment, guided by the power of purpose... enter me.
2/20 - Yellow Self-Existing Star: define to beautify measuring art, seal
the store of elegance with the self-existing tone of form, guided by the
power of flowering...enter me.
2/21- Red Overtone Moon: empower to purify commanding flow, seal the
process of universal water with the overtone of radiance, guided by the
power of navigation... enter me.
2/22- White Rythmic Dog: organize to love balancing loyality, seal the
process of heart with the rythmic tone of quality, guided by own power
doubled... enter me.
2 /23 - Blue Resonant Moneky: channel to play inspiring illusion, seal
the process of magic with the resonant tone of atuunement, guided by the
power of abundance... enter me.
THE NEW MOON OF 2/24 - Yellow Galactic HUman: harmonize to influence,
modeling wisdom, seal the process of free will with the galactic tone of
integrity, guided by the power of intelligence... enter me.
2/25 - Red Solar Skywalker: pulse to explore realizing wakefullness,
seal the output of space with the solar tone of intention, guided by the
power of universal water... enter me.
2/26 - White Planetary Wizard: perfect to enchant producing receptivity,
seal the output of timelessness with the planetary tone of
manifestation, guided by the power of spirit... enter me.
2/27 - Blue Spectral Eagle: Dissovle in order to create releasing mind,
seal the output of vision with the spectral tone of libertion, guided by
my own power doubled.
NOTE: Interesting how the vibrations of the primary colors and then all
of them together, the white are used in sequence. For this wavespell the
white is used first then blue, then yellow then red and then it starts
the sequence over. I just noticed this and I have been following this
calendar as much as I can for a few years now. I have acquired a program
that is wonderful thanks to a most wonderful friend and fellow
Huge gamma-ray blast spotted 12.2 bln light-years from earth
Thu Feb 19, 3:58 pm ET
AFP/NASA This NASA image shows an X-ray afterglow in orange and yellow
in this view that merges images from Swift's ?
WASHINGTON (AFP) The US space agency's Fermi telescope has detected a
massive explosion in space which scientists say is the biggest gamma-ray
burst ever detected, a report published Thursday in Science Express said.
The spectacular blast, which occurred in September in the Carina
constellation, produced energies ranging from 3,000 to more than five
billion times that of visible light, astrophysicists said.
"Visible light has an energy range of between two and three electron
volts and these were in the millions to billions of electron volts,"
astrophysicist Frank Reddy of US space agency NASA told AFP.
"If you think about it in terms of energy, X-rays are more energetic
because they penetrate matter. These things don't stop for anything --
they just bore through and that's why we can see them from enormous
distances," Reddy said.
A team led by Jochen Greiner of Germany's Max Planck Institute for
Extraterrestrial Physics determined that the huge gamma-ray burst
occurred 12.2 billion light years away.
The sun is eight light minutes from Earth, and Pluto is 12 light hours
Taking into account the huge distance from earth of the burst,
scientists worked out that the blast was stronger than 9,000 supernovae
-- powerful explosions that occur at the end of a star's lifetime -- and
that the gas jets emitting the initial gamma rays moved at nearly the
speed of light.
"This burst's tremendous power and speed make it the most extreme
recorded to date," a statement issued by the US Department of Energy
Gamma-ray bursts are the universe's most luminous explosions, which
astronomers believe occur when massive stars run out of nuclear fuel and
Long bursts, which last more than two seconds, occur in massive stars
that are undergoing collapse, while short bursts lasting less than two
seconds occur in smaller stars.
In short gamma-ray bursts, stars simply explode and form supernovae, but
in long bursts, the enormous bulk of the star leads its core to collapse
and form a blackhole, into which the rest of the star falls.
As the star's core collapses into the black hole, jets of material blast
outward, boring through the collapsing star and continuing into space
where they interact with gas previously shed by the star, generating
bright afterglows that fade with time.
"It's thought that something involved in spinning up and collapsing into
that blackhole in the center is what drives these jets. No one really
has figured that out. The jets rip through the star and the supernova
follows after the jets," Reddy said.
Studying gamma-ray bursts allows scientists to "sample an individual
star at a distance where we can't even see galaxies clearly," Reddy said.
Observing the massive explosions could also lift the veil on more of
space's enigmas, including those raised by the burst spotted by Fermi,
such as a "curious time delay" between its highest and lowest energy
Such a time lag has been seen in only one earlier burst, and "may mean
that the highest-energy emissions are coming from different parts of the
jet or created through a different mechanism," said Stanford University
physicist Peter Michelson, the chief investigator on Fermi's large area
"Burst emissions at these energies are still poorly understood, and
Fermi is giving us the tools to understand them. In a few years, we'll
have a fairly good sample of bursts and may have some answers,"
Michelson said.
The Fermi telescope and NASA's Swift satellite detect "in the order of
1,000 gamma-ray bursts a year, or a burst every 100,000 years in a given
galaxy," said Reddy.
Astrophysicists estimate there are hundreds of billions of galaxies.
The Fermi gamma-ray space telescope was developed by NASA in
collaboration with the US Department of Energy and partners including
academic institutions in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden and the
United States.
Also for you star gazers and sky watchers:
Cosmic Stage Set for Comet Lulin Show. Robert Roy Britt Editorial
SPACE.com Fri Feb 20, 12:45 pm ET
A recently discovered comet is making its closest approach to Earth in
the next few days and offers anyone with binoculars or a small telescope
a chance to see some frozen leftovers of our solar system's making.
Comet Lulin has, as expected, crossed the threshold to naked-eye
visibility for people with dark, rural skies. It hovers just inside that
envelope of visibility, however, and is not likely visible from cities,
where the glare of urban lights can drown out all but the brightest
night-sky objects.
"The comet is now naked-eye (if you're out in the country) and is
brightening every day as it approaches Earth," said Jack Newton, who has
made several photographs of Lulin from his Arizona Sky Village, a
residential community committed to pristine natural surroundings and
dark skies. "Some feel it will reach maximum brightness on Saturday
NASA has imaged the comet, too, finding that it is shedding into space
enough water to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool every 15 minutes, as
the sun boils the comet's surface material away.
Lulin will be closest to Earth -- about 38 million miles, or 160 times
farther than the moon -- on Feb. 24 [ sky map].
Rael of One ~ Universal Oneness Ambassador ~
"Compassion is the first outburst of everything God does." ~ Meister
Eckhart |