
Seeds of Truth and Light
Awakening to the New Earth and Living as a Master of Light

The Energies for January 2009

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

"Safe" by Monique Monos at

As we emerge into the New Earth...we are Safe!

Beloved Lightworkers and Masters of Light, you begin here another
year on your Beloved Planet Earth. At this time, you appear to face
many challenges as you move forward into New Earth Consciousness.
Beloved Ones, You are Awake, and now is the time to see these
challenges as blessings, as the Seeds of Truth and Light are made
manifest in your lives, and you are empowered to live as Masters of
Light and to Co-Create your own lives through the Divine Blessing of
the Christ Consciousness. You have indeed begun to live as Masters of
Light in your rapidly transforming Fifth-dimensional New Earth.

Beloved Masters of Light, as your old economic and financial systems
crumble and revealed to be nothing more than systems of greed based on
manipulation and illusion, you will begin to see also that many of the
other ??secure? systems of your old reality are nothing more than
control and illusion. And, we ask at this time that you do not panic,
but rejoice because you are being set free from centuries of
domination and control and you are moving into the Freedom that you
will create with the Divine Light within you.

Gradually, Beloved Ones, you have come to see that you are not
slaves to that system called ??money?, but that you are always
supported and your needs are always met when you assume your Mastery
and trust in the Divine Light of Source to create and manifest what is
needed to support your life. It has been a powerful illusion that
??money? is what creates security, and Beloved Ones, you have
worked hard to free yourselves from that illusion and to see that it
is the Flow of Divine Love and Abundance that sustains your needs, and
that money is merely a symbol of exchange in this process. But that
symbol of exchange was manipulated to become so powerful that bit was
able to imprison you in a belief that you were slaves of this method
of exchange and that you needed to trade your lives to gain enough to
survive. Now, as emerging Masters of Light, you are taking back your
power to manifest whatever it is that you need in any way through your
power to transmute Light into Matter through desire and passion from
the Heart. You will, indeed, continue to co-create together within the
framework of an ??economy?, but the New Earth economy will vibrate
with passion, enthusiasm, ideas, and playful Masters manifesting their
dreams and desires to be celebrated and shared with all. The
??slavery? of the old system will fall away as individuals find
their passion and their ability to ignite passion into abundant
manifestation, which is your birthright on this beautiful Planet.

And yes, this is not the only Seed of Light and Truth that will
flower in your New Earth Consciousness. You will begin, in this new
period, to see other ??systems? begin to falter as the illusions
that underlie them are revealed. Your Health systems will come under
great pressure, as the greed and manipulations related to money become
evident. Beloved Ones, your Human Angelic body is a miraculous
self-healing instrument for Divine Consciousness. It was designed to
serve you, and to allow you to live in Joy and Comfort on the Earth.
It has the ability to heal miraculously if it is supported in its
natural functions. But, if you suppress its natural healing forces and
switch off the flows of healing life force with toxic beliefs and
toxic substances, then you do not allow your body to be the miraculous
instrument that it was truly designed to be. And so, in this coming
year, you will begin to connect more fully with your own inner Healing
Power. The Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness has the power to
heal spontaneously and to maintain Perfect Health when it is activated
in you. As Masters of Light, you will learn how to assume
responsibility for your health and well-being, and will gently guide
others to release themselves from the enslavement to sickness and
disease and those who benefit from the cycles of physical suffering
that some souls have chosen to lock themselves into as a heritage of
guilt and shame. Beloved Ones, as Masters of Light, accept that you
are Perfect and that you can manifest such perfection through light in
your physical being, and that you can create health and well-being in
your physical biology through Light and Balance.

And so, Beloved Ones, as your old systems crumble too, you will see
how your Education system has also been distorted to serve the needs
of ??money? and to provide individuals who will ??fit? into the
systems of financial enslavement that you have called ??earning a
living?. Now, in the New Earth, as you reclaim the right to live a
life of Passion and Creativity, your Education systems will come under
increasing pressure to become places where children and young people
can express the passions of their souls and explore their gifts and
talents with the full support of their community. Young people will no
longer be ??tailored? to the system and forced to conform, but
education will be a way of nurturing the Divine Gifts of each
beautiful soul. It has been almost 40 years since the first wave of
Indigo Beings came to Earth with the express purpose of showing you
that young people who were ??wired? for Christ Consciousness would
no longer accept being distorted in their souls by education systems
that were based on forms of imprisonment and control. It is time for
the gift of free self and soul expression as Masters of Light in the
New Earth. And, as these changes occur, you will find that what you
always suspected, that your children are infinitely wiser and more
gifted than you would acknowledge, and that they have great gifts of
Creativity and Wisdom to share when they are allowed to develop
themselves as Masters of their own Light.

And now, Beloved Ones, we will speak of one more system that will
come under increasing pressure, that system of beliefs called
??religion?. As you become Masters of Light you will begin to
perceive how Sacred Truth has been distorted. You will begin to
perceive how you have been enslaved for many centuries by systems of
belief that taught you about your ??imperfection? and ??evil?.
You were led to believe that you were ??fallen? from God??s Love
and Grace, and that you needed to work and suffer to be redeemed. You
were taught that suffering and death were ??punishments?. You were
led to believe that you were trapped even beyond death by systems of
karma that ??recycled? you back to Earth to ??learn your lesson?
in an endless drama of reciprocal suffering and that maybe one day you
would be able to break out when you were ??enlightened? enough. You
were taught that you were damaged, and that you need to be
??saved?, and if not, you were destined for eternal suffering even
beyond death. Beloved Ones, these enslaving beliefs have kept you
locked into trauma and violence for thousands of years. You have
fought wars within yourselves through the forces of duality, and you
have fought wars amongst yourselves as an externalization of these
conflicting forces of anger and guilt as you have defended your belief
systems from others with different beliefs. Know, Beloved Ones, that
these belief systems are nothing more than ways of channeling embodied
souls into a desired and known outcome by creating that outcome as an
expectation or a ??product? of the system. These systems of belief
kept you locked into this level of experience and have not allowed you
to evolve to new levels. It was like a form of ??soul addiction?,
with souls returning to Earth to play out the same cycles and dramas
of violence and suffering in the name of religion.

Beloved Masters of Light, every Avatar or Ascended Master that has
walked this Earth has taught you the message of Unconditional Love and
Self Empowerment through your inner Divinity and Light. Every Master
and Avatar has come to show you that you are a Master of Light and
that you are Avatar of Divine Consciousness. And yet, these teachings
have been received at lower vibrations and distorted into belief
systems and religions. Beloved Ones, we ask that you respect the
belief choices of others as their right on a Planet of Free Choice,
but as you rise into the Golden Light of Higher Consciousness, free
yourselves from systems of belief that limit your awareness to the
Divine Light within You, the Christ Light within every Being on the

Know that your relationship with God, with the Divine Light within
you, is your own unique and beautiful gift. It cannot be taught to you
through religion or by another Master. A Master may set an example and
share wisdom, but he or she will not tell you how to experience your
own unique Divinity, for they cannot hear and experience your
communion with God as you do. Indeed, at this time, Beloved Ones, as
you emerge as Masters of Light, your work is to empower this Mastery
in others, not through systems of belief, but through the way that you
live in Unconditional Love, Trust and Joy, and your sacred ability to
manifest all that you need in Divine Order.

For, in the New Earth, each Awakened Being will enter into their own
Sacred Communion with the Divine Source within, and systemized belief
will fall away. You will join together to celebrate ceremonies and
rituals of Light and Gratitude only according to the inner motivations
of your Heart and Spirit, and you will follow the Divine Guidance of
your own Inner Christ Light or Divine Truth. You will share with those
whose Heart Light resonates with yours as you move into the Sacred
Gift of Oneness, of the ??One Heart? and ??One Soul? that is the
Source of all Love and Light.

Beloved Ones! It is a Blessed Time!

**Live Life ??Naturally? and Without Fear**

Beloved Ones, as you awaken to the Christ Light within you, you will
experience your own Divinity and Perfection. You will know yourself as
pure Love and Joy. You will know yourself as a Human Angelic Being ?
Light and Matter combined in the service of the Light.
Beloved Ones, it has taken many lifetimes for you to evolve to this
point where your physical bodies can carry the Light of Oneness as a
Planetary Consciousness. Yes, indeed, there were times in Lemuria and
Atlantis, when you lived at Higher levels of Consciousness and Harmony
with the Earth, but you were not yet a Planetary Consciousness of
Unity as you are now;. Beloved Ones, you have evolved the precious
Light of Divine Consciousness to embrace your Planet in the Love of
your Heart and Souls, as One. And so, you have created the Planetary
Grid that supports the Flow of the Golden Flame of Peace and

This is a powerful energy and it will support your lives as new
forms of living in your Master of Light essence emerge for you. We ask
that you learnt to live ??naturally? and without fear. Trust that
your every need will be met and your every desire will manifest into
material form to support your life on Earth. Living naturally means to
trust that your Human Angelic Being is designed to thrive on Planet
Earth and to experience Joy through Fun and Creativity. It means to
trust your desires and choices as they lead you forward, knowing that
there are no ??right? or ??wrong? choices, only possibilities
that lead to new choices and new experiences in the Light.

Beloved Ones, a Master of Light lives naturally and simply, knowing
that what is needed is always provided from the Flow of Divine
Abundance. You need simply ask, and it given, you need simply say the
words, and it appears. This does not necessarily mean that your lives
will be ??simple?. Indeed, in the 21st century and at your level of
evolution, life can be very complex. But, the choices are always
simple. You will be guided simply by what feels right for you, for
your Inner Light will guide you through whatever complexities life may
offer on your journey.

**Expect Miracles**

Beloved Ones, as you assume your Mastery of Light and Creativity on
Earth, we will say that the key to Creating Miracles is expecting
Miracles! Always!
Know that there is always a Miracle that can be created, and the
Divine Intelligence loves to create miracles of playful Joy and
Surprise. Allow yourself to be surprised and enchanted by the gifts of
life and feel gratitude for all that flows through you. Do not limit
the power of miracles with demands, but allow the miracles to be as
big and limitless as they need to be. It is the ability to be open to
infinite love and blessings that allows the wonder of Miracles as they
manifest in your lives.

Beloved Ones, when you are a Master of Light, creating a Miracle is
well within your powers. You are surrounded by geometric ??grids?
of consciousness that exist within you as well. When you ??command?
a miracle, you draw on that Divine Consciousness and request that it
take shape on the material plane according to your desires and needs.
And, So It Is! And, as we have said, the closer your desire or
??command? is to the flow of Divine Love and Intelligence, the more
rapidly your miracle will manifest.

Eventually, Beloved Ones, you will see miracles and their
manifestation as a natural way of life. For indeed, the ability to
draw energy into material form is to create miracles, and indeed, each
one of you that walks on the New Earth has that ability. It is only
required that you let go and release your reliance on the old systems
of providing for your needs and begin to draw on your own Inner Power
and Wisdom to manifest energy into material form as you desire and

**Co-Create Together in 2009**

Beloved Ones, the gift of Mastery is given to each individual as you
move into Higher Consciousness. Indeed, also as you move into Higher
Consciousness, you become aware that you are not only an
??individual?, but that you are part of a greater Unity or
??Oneness?, an expression of the ??One? Source energy.
It is here that you will begin to perceive the importance of working
as Groups so that the power and wisdom of Group energy can accelerate
the Creation of Peace and Abundance on your Planet.

This energy of Group Co-Creation can be expressed and experienced in
Spiritual Ceremonies, Rituals and Activities that have the intention
to empower Peaceful Change and the creation of Abundance. There is
immense power generated and released when the Christ Light in you
combines and is focused with the pure intention of Love and Peace.

But know too, Beloved Ones, that this energy of Group Co-Creation
can also be used in your own communities. As you begin to manifest the
New Earth, lend your creative and magical powers as a Master of Light
to social projects that advance the ideals of Justice, Peace and
Abundance for All. Know that your power can make a difference, you can
help to harness the power of miracles to move such projects forward
simply through Intention and Trust!

Indeed, Beloved Ones, it is time to begin to trust your ability to
bring Peaceful Change right where you are, knowing that your Light is
powerful as it connects with and draws on the Sacred Grids of Divine
Intelligence that generate manifestation and miracles on this New

**The Energies in January 2009**

The Full Moon in January falls on the 11th. It is a Moon in Cancer,
with the sun in Capricorn. As such, it carries powerful energies of
the Feminine, as Cancer is governed by the Moon. Its opposing sign is
the powerful Masculine energy of Capricorn. This offers an opportunity
to align with the inner Masculine and Feminine energies and to work
with the Golden energies of the Twin Flame grids to empower Love and
Joy in your life. The 11-01, or 01-11, depending on where you are,
will also be a powerful moment to connect with the energies of the 11
and the 1 that are so prominent right now. The energies of New
Beginnings and the Energy of Initiation into Higher Consciousness and
the Energy of the ONE.
The Sun moves from Capricorn and into Aquarius on the 20th of
January. At the New Moon on the 26th, there will be a Solar Eclipse in
Aquarius. New Solar Codes will be activated to assist the unfolding of
the New Energy on the Earth. For personal meditation, the ??Seeds of
Light? that will activated on the 26th will be those for the New
Golden Age of Aquarius. It will be a good time to work with the Golden
Flame and the Golden Light of the Christ energy within to bring Higher
Consciousness and the Manifestation of the New Age of Light to the
Planet in an easy and gentle way.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 11th of January, so at this time,
move gently and do not try to forge ahead. This is good advice for
January as a whole. Allow the energies to integrate gently and do not
try to bite off more than you can chew at this time. Allow yourself to
be supported by the energy of Trust.

The powerful planet of Transformation, Pluto, continues its journey
through the Earth sign of Capricorn as the power house of
transformation on the physical plane. Saturn, the energy of Change and
Restructuring, continues its journey through the Earth sign of Virgo,
bringing change also to the way that you view your health and your
physical being.

Beloved Ones, in this time of Change and Transformation, know that
you are Human Angels and Masters of Light, and that you are greatly
loved and supported in this courageous path of Transformation that you
have undertaken. Here in the Realms of Light, we applaud your Courage
and your Perseverance. You are indeed the Creator Gods and Godesses
come to life to Co-create a New Earth and a New Reality! May this
month of January show you the Power that lives in each one of You!

2009-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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