Atmos 21-May-2008
Take your time to understand what is going on in the world at present,
and place it all under the heading of change. The way must be prepared
for the new to come in, and it is quite a feat to bring the changes
together so that they inflict as little harm as possible. I talk not
specifically of human involvement, although that is of major concern but
the effect upon your business community and employment of the masses.
There will be days and weeks of uncertainty, as the old world falls into
the abyss of transmutation never to return again in that form. Meanwhile
the new paradigm gradually emerges, and will be recognized for its
ability to deal with any crisis that arises. The planning that has gone
before is your assurance that the new path for Man, will be quickly
Using your terminology, we shall say that the rot has set in, and no
amount of shifting and changing will save the old regime and its ways.
The whole structure is crumbling, and the remedy is beyond the power of
Man to overcome it. Vast changes are required with some degree of
urgency, and they are receiving our attention. We closely follow them
and are allowed to limit the damage that they do. These were always
going to be volatile times, but are held in check to minimize their
effect. Weather changes are to be expected as your Sun takes control of
the Solar System. However, these are also in part due to the
interference of Man, with weather control and its manipulation, together
with the changes to the topography through deforestation.
What you have been experiencing are the results of Mans progress without
sufficient spiritual application and understanding, placing his own
judgement above that of the Laws of God. You cannot ignore your
responsibility to all other forms of life, and you are meant to be the
Guardians of the Earth, that has been in your care. Look around you and
be honest, can you really be proud of what you see. These are strong
words and not directed at everyone, as it is a paradox that the lower
you slip into the dark, the more Light is brought to bear upon you. How
far will you go before you rise up against what you see, because these
are your last chances to do so before the cycle ends?
We know that many of you take matters very seriously, and are setting a
shining example that others can follow. The challenge is there to take a
stand against the failures of the past, and make a start on the road to
new horizons. The goal is harmony and balance in all things, and the
creation of a new environment that will lead the way into the New Age.
We are here to give of our help, but restricted until we can come openly
amongst you. Then we shall go roaring ahead and renew and repair the
damage that has brought the Earth to her knees, as our goal is for
complete restoration.
For all we have said it is you who are the most important Beings, and it
is within your capability to rise up above any crisis or beat any
challenge that is presented to you. You are Light Beings of the highest
order, and can surmount whatever obstacles are placed on your path. You
have been doing it ever since you started this cycle, with a
subconscious drive that has urged you ever onwards without realizing
your goal. One experience after another has led you to this present
time, and now you stand poised for the greatest one ever, your
Ascension. It is no mean feat seeing the depths to which you have
plunged; yet your Light has shone through.
Thank goodness that you are unaware of your many lives, as it is not
without reason that you have been veiled from them. To carry those
memories would distract you from your present path. Having gone from one
extreme to another, you have gathered a wealth of experience that will
serve you well in these trying times. The end is in sight, and opens up
into a new beginning of unimaginable splendor and beauty as you move
into the Golden Age. Physicality as you have understood it will have
been overtaken by crystalline wonders, and magnificent Light that will
be the very essence of everything that exists.
It may all seem a dream, but it will come true as you take a quantum
leap into the future. It is the past that will become as a dream that
will be soon forgotten, but the souls who have experienced it will
forever remember their link to each other. No one will be but a thought
away from their loved ones, and able to share their love, happiness and
joy forever. As you are already discovering, the power of thought is
capable of changing anything and everything. It is growing within you
and requires a responsible approach to life, as you can do as much harm
as good if it is used unwisely. As time goes on, you will continue to
rise up into the realms of Light, becoming more purified until you are
Pure Light. It is a natural progression back to Source, which is the
driving force that ever urges you ever onwards.
Think of what lies ahead, and the short time that you will remain in
duality. Every tear and heartache will have been well worthwhile to be
here at such a momentous occasion, and one that is unique where
Ascension is concerned. You are privileged to be taking part in such a
process that allows for your upliftment as a fully conscious Being. It
is not a reward in the strictest sense of the meaning, but nevertheless
is something you have earnt through hard work and dedication. We shall
open your eyes to your true selves, and you will know of your greatness.
I am Atmos a Sirian, and we have many of our own working with you. We
are linked in quite a special way, from earlier contacts with you that
you go far back into the mists of time. Like many other civilizations we
have come close to you in the past, and it is our duty to see that you
rise up and complete this cycle in a victorious manner. It will be thus
completed as the ending has already been written. We look at you and see
who you really are, and our love goes out to you without reservation. We
Are All One in Love and Light in this great experience, and we look
forward to greeting you as the newest members of the Galactic
Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey. |