The Grail Codes of 2008: A Conversation with Archangel
Celia Fenn
a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn
Sunday, 27 April, 2008 at Cape Town, South Africa
The Grail Code Activations are an important part of our transition to
Human Angelic form. The Grail Codes enable us to integrate the Feminine
Christ energy, and thus to bring ourselves into full and complete
balance and so be capable of living in the Fifth Dimension in a balanced
and creative way. When I visisted the Languedoc region in 2007, the part
of Southern France that is known as the "Madeleine" country, I was so
conscious of a great joy that was almost coming outo of the Earth itself,
as the time approached for Humanity to once again recognize and honor
the Feminine Christ energy. This region in France has held the energy
for the Feminine Christ for many years, and now is the time that this
energy is being re-integrated back into the Global Heart Grid of the
Planet, and into the Hearts of every person on the Planet who is open to
this truth. It is a time of Great Healing for the Planetary Heart, and a
time for each of us to reclaim the Divine Feminine Christed energy
within our own Hearts. This conversation with Archangel Michael serves
to bring more information about this Blessing of Transformation that has
been given to us in 2008.
Celia: Last year, in 2007, we spoke about the "Infinity Codes" that were
an important part of the transformation of Humans into Human Angels.
This year, 2008, you have spoken of the "Grail Codes". Can you explain
to me how these are connected and what they mean for us?
AAMichael : Yes, indeed, it is a pleasure to do so. In 2007, we worked
to activate certain "codes" or sets of information that you carry within
your DNA. This can be described as an awareness of the Infinity of Time
and Space, as we explained to you, and so we called these the "Infinity
Codes". These activations, within the DNA and Lightbody, enabled Humans
to fully ignite the Galactic Lightbody and to once more claim their
Galactic heritage, as was part of the original plan for Humanity.
Now, in 2008, again according to your Original Template that was
designed by Source through the Elohim Angels, you are empowered to
activate what we call the "Grail Codes", which re-energize that part of
the Template of Human Divine Perfection that gives you the ability to
attain to full Cosmic Consciousness. So, at this point, if the Human
Angelic template is once again activated to its full potential. Now, it
is again a matter of receiving directly from the Central Sun, the New
Light Codes for further evolution in your new form. So, in this period
of transition to 2012, you will begin thus process by working with the
new Evolutionary Codes for the Creation of Abundance through Community
on your planet.
Celia" So, why are these called "Grail Codes"?
Yes, indeed, a good question. The "Grail" itself is a concept from
Western Christian archetypal imagery, and is a symbol for a truth that
has been hidden from Humanity for many years. What is the Grail? Where
is Hidden? Why do Questors seek for the "Holy Grail"? We will say, quite
simply, as we have done before, that you yourselves are the "Holy Grail",
and as you ascend into awareness of your potential as a Human Angel, you
achieve the Quest and you become the Grail. This was the heart of the
Teachings of Mary Magdalene, taken to France by her to be given to all
Humanity as a Gift of Light from Source. But, because of persecution by
those who chose another path of power and dominance, the Truth of the
Magdalene was hidden and encoded into stories and songs and poems, that
were passed down from generation to generation.
We would like to say more here about the teachings of Mary Magdalene in
Europe. Mary Magdalene came to the West with the intention of spreading
the Teachings of the Christ. And by this, we do not mean only Yeshua as
Christ, we mean also her own Sacred role as the feminine part of a
Sacred or Christed partnership. She was the "Christ" or "Christed One"
herself, and it was this truth that was recognized by her followers, and
which was obliterated by those who sought to gain control by propagating
the idea of a Masculine Christ and a Masculine God the Father, removing
the Christed Feminine and the Mother aspect of Source. In this way, half
of the truth of the Christ energy was removed, and the teachings of the
Christ that were transmitted via the Roman Church were only "half"
truths, aimed at ensuring male power and control.
So it is, that the "history" that you have received in the West is only
the history of those who followed the Male Christ energy. It is
imbalanced. This was achieved by a concerted campaign of terror against
those who carried the knowledge of the full truth of the Feminine Christ
energy that was carried by Mary Magdalene. So, for almost a thousand
years, all those who followed her truth or who connected with the
Feminine Christ or God principle, were persecuted and killed. Until,
eventually, all that remained was a male-dominated, unbalanced version
of the original gift of the Christ Teachings of Yeshua and Mariam, whom
you call Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
The Path of Service that activates the energy of the Feminine Christ has
long been lost and forgotten, and yet it lingers on in the Grail legends
and the tradition of "Amour Courtoisie" or "Courtly Love" that were a
part of the culture of this region of medieval France. These stories,
which tell of the Questor's search for the Grail, and of the Knight who
serves the Beloved Lady, are metaphors for the Divine Path to Spiritual
Oneness with Source through service to the Principle of the Divine
Feminine or the Mother Aspect of God. The "Lady" was the bearer of the
energy of the Divine Mother Goddess, and in serving her, the Male would
find his path to Divinity by embracing, through her Purity and Beauty,
the Divine Feminine within himself. In the same way, each one of you who
serves the principles of Beauty and Grace, learns to walk the creative
path of the Divine Feminine, and to to access the Golden Flame of
Ascended Love that united the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine
in the Heart of God.
This was an honored path, and one that taught man to honor woman as a
portal to the Divine Source energy, and to honor his own gentle and
supportive feminine energy. The Man, or Questor, would know that his
quest was for Higher Love and Spiritual Wisdom, and his service to the
Beloved had very little of a sexual focus and more of a Heart and Soul
centered focus. So, indeed, this was very different to the teachings of
the male-centered church, whose teachings were that women, unless
controlled by men, were the portal to evil and degradation. So, it was
no surprise that the church sought to eradicate those who followed the
path of the Feminine Christ.
And yet, even today, the Grail Path or the Codes that carry the path to
Divinity through Service to the Divine Mother element of Source are
being re-activated. As individuals, you will learn to chrish and honor
the Beloved as expressed through the Divine Feminine, and through women,
as a path of spiritual service to the Light of God within your hearts.
As a collective, you will learn to serve Beauty and Turth and Love, and
through this service to integrate the gentle, loving and supportive
energies of the Mother aspect of Source into your society once again.
This will enable you to create support and abundance for all.
Now, generally it is thought that the Grail itself was the Cup or
Chalice that was used by Christ at what is known as the "Last Supper".
And yes, that cup is a symbol for the idea of the "Grail", for the
Golden Cup is a receptacle for the for the sacred wine that represented
the "blood" of Christ. And so, the Human Body is the sacred receptacle
or chalice for the "blood" of the christed ones, or the sacred flow of
Soul and Spirit in those who are "christed" and have opened themselves
to receive their Divinity and the creative power that goes with the
knowledge of this Divinity. It is the power to create and to be a
creator in the name of Source. That is the Secret of the Grail that is
held within each one of you as Human Angels.
So, the culmination of the teachings of Mary Magdalene and her Twin
Flame, Yeshua or Jesus, is the recognition that your physical body, with
its patterns of infinite perfection encoded in the DNA, is the Grail
Celia: So, may I ask what are the connections between the Twin Flame
energies and the Grail Codes?
Yeshua and Mariam, or Jesus and Mary Magdalene, came to the Planet to be
a mirror or reflection of the Divine Truth of the Eternal Twin Flame of
the Source. It was absolutely necesary that they come together to be a
reflection of the balanced polarities of the Source energy.
But, indeed, what happened, as we explained, was that the Feminine Flame
or Polarity was suppressed and "switched off" within your DNA, and a
version of the Christ teaching based on the Masculine polarity alone
came to dominate western civilization in the form of Christianity. Now,
this has been an unbalanced energy and it has drawn on the masculine
unbalanced energies of control, power and dominance. It has fed greed,
violence, and the "exploitation" of the "weak" feminine energies whether
in women or in indigneous peoples through the dominant energies of
colonialism and slavery. Part of the process of Ascension has been to
once again empower the Feminine so that the Creative Power of the Mother
God can once again be felt by all. And to empower the Masculine, so that
men can once again claim their gentleness and beauty, and to be not only
warriors but also poets and troubadours of the Beloved.
Celia : How was it possible to "switch off" the Divine Feminine Light
Codes in the Human Body?
By the simple method of killing off all those who were activating and
bearing these codes in their lives and work, in other words, all those
who carried the genetic codes of the Magdalene and her teachings. The
Church that was established in the name of the male Christ energy
undertook a long campaign of terror in Europe, in which all who
supported and lived the truth of the Divine Feminine as represented by
the Magdalene energy of the Divine Feminine, were killed. They were
tortured and killed as heretics and witches, and their numbers decimated.
Now, in the course of human evolution, this "information" was passed
into the DNA, and the human body/mind learnt that in order to survive,
it needed to "switch off" this Divine Feminine polarity. And so, the
Divine Feminine receptors in the DNA were switched off, and the
transmissions of the Divine Mother from the Great Sun were no longer
received. And, unfortunately, the transmissions for Cosmic Balance come
from the the Mother God energy. And so, humanity lived with a distorted
image of the Divine Feminine that was created by an unbalanced male
energy. It was an image that reduced the Sacred Magdalene to a harlot,
and tied "good women" to disempowerment and to an expression of their
creativity that was only allowed on the biological level. So, even
today, many women still consider their biology to be the only way that
they can express Feminine power, and they are afraid to claim their full
power as Feminine Christed and Divine Creative Beings and Equal Partners
with the Male and Masculine energies.
But, we will say, that this information was never lost. It was stored in
the DNA, for reference, as the Human DNA is designed to hold all
information available for later reference. And so, at this time, with
the activation of these Codes by specific light transmissions, Humanity
has been empowered to once again "switch on" the Divine Feminine Flame
and to thus be empowered to create Sacred Union once again.
Celia: Is there a connection between this process and Ascension
Yes, indeed, as this DNA strand is fully re-activated and "switched on"
again, Humanity has to clear and release all the trauma and fear that is
contained in this "lock down" message. You have had to transmute
generations of fear, abuse and low self worth that is stored in your
DNA. This related not only to male/female relationships, but to any
situation where a powerful masculine energy abuses a weaker feminine
energy. As was already mentioned, this was the energy called "colonialism",
where settlers overcame native populations and suppressed them. Part of
the Grail Code activations has required forgiveness and release of this
past history. It requires that there be an acceptance and a release and
a recognition of mutual love and respect, in order for the Earth to move
back into balance.
That is why, in the years that come, there will be increasing
connections between "Lightworkers" from the developed nations and the
spiritual traditions of native and Indigenous peoples. It will be a path
of mutual respect, in which balance will be achieved by and through
mutual love and respect for the spiritual paths of each other. You will
see, clearly, that your paths are One.
Celia: So, as I understand it, the purpose of the Grail Codes is to
activate the Original Template for Human Perfection that was designed by
the Elohim. It contains the Divine Masculine and Feminine in perfect
balance. Why is this so important for us now?
Well, as you enter the Fifth Dimension, you are experiencing the Full
Consciousness of the One. You are understanding and feeling that you are
all connected within the One Heart and Mind.
Now, that One is the Source, and you are all indeed held within the
Heart of Source. And you were created by Source to be the Earthly
reflection or Mirror of the Source energy.
Now, when the Source activates its creative power, it divides into the
polarities of Masculine and Feminine, or, as we know them, Cosmic Fire
and Cosmic Water, in which the Creative Fire carries the energy of the
Divine Feminine and the Creative Water is the power of the Divine
So, within each Human Angel in a Physical Body, is the potential to
express and experience the Divine Polarities of Masculine and Feminine
as a mirror of the Creator and to create a reality on this planet that
is in turn, a reflection or Mirror of Heaven itself.
This is the process when a Human ascends to Human Angelic being and
brings their Divine Source energies into balance within the Heart. This
activates the creative power of Source and enables them to become
powerful creators. So, the best understanding of the Twin Flame and
Sacred Union, is that it is an Inner Process in which individuals are
enabled to truly become a mirror reflection of the One or Source and are
empowered to create from the powerful Sacred Union of energies within
the Heart. That is the nature of "Sacred Union" and the "Sacred Heart"
meditation that was given to you in 2007 by us.
Another way we have explained this with the information of the "Sacred
Heart", is to understand that the Heart is the central point for two
spirals of energy. The first is the one that creates "Heaven on Earth",
the Sacred Light from Spirit marries with the lower energies from the
Earth Body at the Heart, and creates a "Lemnascate" or figure 8, as the
energy of Heaven and earth combine within each individual.
Now, this can be called a the "vertical" expression of the Twin Flame.
The "Horizantal" expression is when the Masculine and Feminine energies
combine within the Heart to create a further figure of 8 of the
spiralling energies. Then, you have a double figure of 8 that resembles
a four-sided cross, which is indeed the esoteric symbol for Earth. So,
Earth is the Planet where Heaven meets Earth and where Masculine and
Feminine energies combine to create a Bliss and Joy on the Material
Now, in the past, Heaven and Earth have been separated, and Masculine
has dominated Feminine, and you have become unbalanced. This information
has been transmitted into the DNA, and so this "evolutionary
development" has been recorded and propagated. The purpose of the
Ascension activations has been to re-balance these flows of energies so
that human evolution can continue along the lines of the Original
Blueprint, in alignment with Source, and not in the unbalanced way that
it was heading. Indeed, the planet would have destroyed itself if this
imbalance had been alalowed to continue. But, many loving and devoted
Lightworkers offered their services to come to Earth and give their life
service to regaining the balance so that the Planet could continue in
her upward spiral of evolution in the Light of God's Grace and Love. And
so it was, that over a period of time, more and more advanced and loving
souls came to Earth to make these changes as best they could, until at
last the Earth was ready to receive the massive influx of Light that
came with the Indigo and Crystal children, who would help to "lift" the
Earth back into Sacred Alignment. And this is the process called
Celia: Can you give us more information about the Grail Codes and Twin
Flame relationships? I understand that the primary expression of these
is within ourselves, but you have also suggested that these can be lived
as Relationships or Partnerships like Yeshua and Mariam?
Yes, one of the great gifts of the Grail Codes is a re-aligning of
Humanity with the Human Angelic template, so that you now have the
opportunity to create balanced and loving Sacred Unions that are
centered in the Heart and the Christ energy.
These relationships allow two souls to merge their soul energy and
become "one flame", expressed in the two polarities of Masculine and
Feminine, expressed through the partners in a sacred and committed
The soul's merge their Light energy on the Spiritual Level, and their
bodies are united on the physical level. The sexual energy in Sacred
Union is primarily creative in nature, and compassionate in expression.
When the "lower" sexual energies of the body are included in the
partnership, then they are also an expression of creativity and
compassionate love, as well as deep respect and honor for this physical
expression of divinity that is represented by the physical body.
Now, the second issue is commitment between Soul Union partners. When
such a union is created it is indeed sacred and should be honored as
such. The merging of soul energies into Oneness creates an energetic
template or geometrical form of Light that is an "entity" in it's own
right. When the love is sacred and pure and clear, then this geometric
form is woven into the DNA of the planet and the love continues beyond
the life of the body. The template left by Yeshua and Mariam exists even
today in the DNA or Akasha of the planet, and is being awakened and
accessed by all those who activate the Grail Codes and bring their Heart
energies into balance. Then, they may access the shining geometries of
Sacred Union that were left by Yeshua and Mariam as a template for Human
Angelic Union.
This is why Soul Mate partners who have merged their energies into
Sacred Union are drawn back together through many lifetimes, as their
Soul and Light creation of Love calls them back together from the
Spiritual Realms. It is not "karma" that brings geart lovers back
together, but the energetic and infinite power of great soul love
expressed in the union of two souls as the "Beloved" and encoded into a
geometric light field..
We cannot but emphasize how powerful and enduring is the love of the
soul. That is why Yeshua the Christ said that angels do not marry. There
is no need for ceremonies to give one to the other as an attachment.
Souls who have freely chosen to enter into Sacred Union through many
lifetimes will be drawn together through many lifetimes, if there are no
energies to block that process, or if the union itself has served its
purpose and the growth needs of both souls and now needs to be dissolved
so that another cycle of love and experience can be instigated.
Celia: Thank You, I appreciate this information. But what about the idea
of the "Twin Soul" of the "other half" of your soul? Why do people
believe that they hev to look for "their twin" and that this is only one
Well, as we have already said, great soul love endures through many
lifetimes, and the souls who have created a light template of their love
may yearn deeply to continue this expeience with the one soul who
represents the "Beloved" to them in this cycle of their soul's growth.
But, the deep need to "find" a certain soul does not mean that only this
soul is available. Spirit is abundant, and will offer you several
suitable "soul mates" if you desire to enter into a Sacred Union or
partnership as a way of expressing your inner Divinity. You will be
allowed to choose the soul that speaks to your heart.
Celia: But I have had people say that they have seen visions of their
soul and this "other half". Why is that?
Well, in the past humans have been conditioned to think that way by a
philosophy of lack and control. Source is Infinite and Abundant, and you
are never given only one chance in life. But, we will say, that these
visions are a symbolic representation of the original path of Source and
indicate the return path to Divinty through Sacred Union. The Source is
the One, who divides and becomes Two. These Two are the Masculine and
Feminine polarities of God. From these two polarities of Divinity, all
creation springs forth. Now, when two souls are drawn together they
follow the "reverse path" to Oneness, as the Masculine and Feminine
polarities become One. They are enacting the Sacred Drama of Creation
and allowing two separate parts of Divinity to unite in an expression of
Great Love and Passion. And when they separate to become themselves,
they contiue to carry the great mystery of Divinity as expressed through
Sacred Union - the Two who become One and then become Three as they
create another "light being" from their love. Indeed, the mystery of the
"Trinity" as an expression of Creative Divinity os one of the most
distorted of the Christ teachings, of the "Trinity" is God the Mother
and the Father and the Child of Light, which is the Creation of the Twin
Flane love in the Higher Dimensions. The "Child of Light" can manifest
in many ways on the material plane, and is not limited to or defined by
the biological process of birthing children.
It is our deep desire that you feel and begin to see the deep
distortions that have entered into human relationships, and that you
free yourselves from old patterns of attachment, domination, and
control. Then, in perfect freedom, you may choose to experience the
Radiant Light of Twin Flame Union as it is now possible in the New
Earth. It is a great gift to all who make the deep soul choice to allow
their Divinity to be expressed through a partnership. But, remember that
a first step is that you would have claimed your own personal power and
balanced divinity as a foundation before you can externalize that in the
expression of Sacred Union.
So, Beloved One, we are ready to assist each one of you who carries the
inention to create Sacred Union. The Grail Code activations in the DNA
will allow you to integrate the energy of the Feminine Christ, the
Magdalene, and so to empower yourself to express a balanced and powerful
relationship of Spirit and Body.
And so, we thank you for this time together and wish you Joy and Grace
and Love in your Creation of Heaven on Earth in the New Earth energy.
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