Sanat Kumara - The Seven Lords of Light Dear Friends,
Sanat Kumara, our planetary logos, has given us an important message
regarding new energies of light which will be coming to Earth imminently.
He has requested that we begin to spread this accelerated light by
practicing the following meditational Grid of Light. We received this
information on the 5th of November, and I thank our loving volunteer
staff, Sue Farley, Michael Kopel, Patsy Balacchi and Shab Sadr who have
vigilantly and lovingly prepared this information to go out to you in
this format practically overnight. I do ask you, our beloved readers, to
pray for our Foundation and the staff members to continue to offer their
services. In great vigilance and with great love, for your benefit and
for the benefit of all.
Sanat Kumara is a great cosmic being whose consciousness over-lights
planet Earth. Many eons ago Earth was at the brink of extinction. Sanat
Kumara offered to rescue Earth from its demise. He and six other Great
Beings of Light, who are collectively known as the Seven Kumaras, began
the task of rescuing Earth from darkness and pain. Sanat Kumara’s light
is too brilliant for Earth to withhold and therefore he resides on
Venus. It is our hope that some day Earth’s vibrational frequency will
reach to such great light where Sanat Kumara and other great cosmic
beings can walk among us. Great work has been rendered by the Masters
and Cosmic Beings of Light to this end.
Sanat Kumara is now offering us the opportunity of greater acceleration
in acquiring light and wisdom. He invites us to merge into his
consciousness in the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM, God in form. We stand
to gain great growth and acceleration on the path of enlightenment and
in release of pain and struggles of many lifetimes. Furthermore, we
stand to serve the Earth and to raise the consciousness of the
multitudes of masses who are unaware of this great opportunity. Sanat
Kumara is calling upon us, his most beloved disciples, to remember him
as our great teacher and friend and to assist him in bringing greater
light down to Earth.
The Seven Lords of Light are seven great beings who have withdrawn their
light from the Third Dimensional Reality of Earth, for many thousands of
years because of the density and the darkness prevalent here. Due to the
vigilant work of the Masters and their disciples, the vibrational
frequency of Earth has been raised to a point where Sanat Kumara is now
able to invite the Seven Lords of Light to return to Earth. This means
that the guardianship of Earth and all souls can be restored to the
Lords of Light once again, as it was originally intended in the Divine
Plan for Earth and all human-kind. The leadership positions for all
planetary offices will be filled by the Lords of Light and their
disciples. They will over-light those of us who have chosen to remain
their students and their devoted disciples. They will help us to gain
mastery over the darkness of our ego-personalities, the pain and
struggles of living in physical embodiment.
This Grid of Light is perhaps the most beneficial gift from the Masters
of Light, from Sanat Kumara, our planetary teacher, from Metatron and
his angelic forces of Yahoweh-El and most especially from the Seven
Lords of Light. How fortunate we are to witness this amazing event and
this turning point at this juncture of our life. This is indeed a time
of celebration, and we deserve to celebrate every one of the days ahead
of us. Please remember that the energies will begin to accelerate from
the November 7, 2007. November 8th is the Festival of Light celebrated
as the Indian New Year with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of spiritual
and material abundance, bestowing upon us her grace and her abundance at
the beginning of another yearly cycle. November 9th is the official date
for the return of the Seven Lords of Light back to Earth and the raising
of the vibrational frequency of light for Earth and all souls. November
11, 2007 (or 11/11) is a 24-hour period of portal opening. This means
that all portals of light and manifestation will be open from midnight
on the 10th of November to midnight on the 12th of November. Start
writing your intentions that you wish to manifest for the entire year
from 11/11/2007 to 11/11/2008. Recite those intentions throughout the
day on 11/11 with great power and sincerity for faster results.
The celebration of Thanksgiving falls on November 22, 2007. Hundreds of
years ago, the first pilgrims to America celebrated the plentiful
harvest bestowed upon them by giving thanks. This became the practice
which is now held dear throughout the United States. Native Americans
and Pilgrims celebrated this day of thanks together in peace. This
holiday is a great opportunity for every one of us on Earth to offer a
prayer of Thanksgiving and a celebration of our gratitude for the light
that we are and the light that is now reigning on Earth once again.
December 8, 2007 is the completion of the Jewish holy days leading to
Hanukah. Around this time of the year there is great energy movement in
the higher realms and a down- pouring of light from those realms to us.
This leads us to the Winter Solstice (December 20-22, 2007), which is
the celebration of the victory of light over darkness through seasons of
nature. It is also the holiday season celebrating the symbolic birth of
Master Jesus, whose presence on Earth was to anchor the energy of divine
love. The down-pouring of energies will continue on into January.
From January 9 – 19, 2007, the portal of Egyptian light is open. This
means that energies from constellation Sirius will be pouring down upon
us on Earth. The lineage and ancestry of our present seed race is from
Sirius. This is a race whose seeds were planted during the civilization
of Khem, presently known as Egypt. As the descendants of that race we,
therefore, have an important connection to the ten holy days of portal
openings from Sirius through Egypt (January 9 – 19, 2007). Sanat Kumara
goes into greater detail regarding all the events leading us to the end
of the year 2008.
I wish you great joy in raising your own vibrational frequency of light,
and in merging your consciousness with that of Sanat Kumara and in
receiving the great benevolent light from the Seven Lords of Light.
In the Great Light of the I AM,
Beloveds I am Sanat Kumara.
Place your focus in front of your Third Eye. Feel yourself standing
inside of a triangle. Visualize yourself and your twin flame as two
points of a triangle with Sanat Kumara in the North, your male aspect in
South West, your female aspect at South East. Sanat Kumara’s hands are
held up in the position of fearlessness. His palms are pointing to your
hearts. Sanat Kumara is beaming light from the palm of his hands. The
beam coming from the right hand is Emerald Green. The beam coming from
the left hand is Peach-Pink. The significance of this grid is to balance
your mental body and your emotional body. Also, to bring together the
energy within each individual person. In the grid you visualize yourself
and your twin flame as two separate entities standing at two separate
points of the triangle. At the same time this is a representation of the
male aspect and the female aspect or polarity within you. Therefore, two
distinct purposes are serviced through this grid:
to balance the male and female polarity within yourself
to balance your energy next to your twin flame, regardless of the
presence of or absence of a twin flame in your life at this present
This exercise will heal those missing parts and fills the void to bring
fullness, wholeness, health and well-being back to you at all levels of
your beingness.
Sanat Kumara, the planetary logos, merges into the Presence of the I AM
THAT I AM. Stand and witness this merging then visualize yourself in
both your masculine and feminine aspect, your male and female twin
flames join with Sanat Kumara inside the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM.
All are now merged into Oneness, you, your twin flame, Sanat Kumara and
the I AM THAT I AM. The time has come for the energy of the planetary
logos to embody each of you individually and align your energies through
the consciousness of Planetary Logos with the Presence of the I AM THAT
I AM, God in form. This November 9, 2007 is an extremely important time,
when new energies will be coming forth. The energies will begin to pour
forth on this auspicious day. I ask each of you to begin to perform this
exercise as soon as you receive it. Those of you who begin by November
9th are pioneers who have been called to participate in receiving these
energies and anchoring them on behalf of all souls in cooperation with
the Masters of Light. Everyone who receives it (or comes across it) at
any point thereafter is still among the pioneers. You are brought to
this Grid of Light by your higher self - every one of you have earned
the merit to participate in this great event. This exercise will
activate your energy bodies, allowing you to cope within the
acceleration phase, which begins on November 9, 2007 and continues to
March Equinox (20th of March 2008). The advantage and the benefits of
exercising this Grid of Light is that it will accelerate the rate of
your vibrational frequency.
Through this acceleration you will be able to better cope with the raise
in the vibrational frequency of Earth through the acceleration of the
five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether). Everything is
speeding up. This is due to the fact that Mother Earth has chosen to
shake herself out of the slower and lower vibrational frequency and
darkness. She is choosing and using different specific landmark points
to accelerate her own pace. To cope with that pace individually and to
help Mother Earth you have been called. On one hand, therefore, your own
vibrational frequency is being heightened to allow you to cope with the
changes which will bring the dawning of the New Age in full force and
the greater positive light of the Seventh Golden Age. On the other hand,
it is up to you to help Mother Earth make her leap of faith in the
direction of greater light. You are the pioneers. You have been prepared
for this moment in history. You have been led to this Grid of Light
because you have been in service of light for eons of time.
Your life will change in positive ways to your own delight. That is a
promise to you. You will notice the movement of time and events in an
accelerated manner. You will feel levels of greater hope and celebration.
You will come to know others of like mind. You will release from your
life those people, those places and things which distract you, delay
you, burden you, cause you harm and disharmony. In the company of your
brothers and sisters of light, we will help the Earth accelerate herself
to greater love and light.
I would like to announce the 9th of November as a time of celebration
for the dawning of greater light through all five elements in all four
corners of Earth. The presence of the Seven Mighty Lords of Light will
be celebrated once again on Earth. These mighty great beings have been
absent from this third dimensional reality of Earth for a very long
time. Their return is a landmark event as rightful heirs to Earth and of
Guardians of Light on Earth will be celebrated on the November 9, 2007
at noon. Wherever you are, whatever time zone you work with, consider
noon to be the time when the outpouring of light through the presence of
the Seven Mighty Lords begins.
The outpouring of this energy will continue through to Thanksgiving
(November 22, 2007) as one phase of acceleration. From Thanksgiving
(November 22, 2007) to December 9, 2007 there will be a second phase of
acceleration for the down pouring of these energies. From December 10,
2007 to January 9, 2008 will be the third phase of acceleration for
these energies. From there these energies will plateau and stay at this
accelerated point until March 9, 2008. At that point a new phase of
acceleration begins. This phase will take us to a second plateau. Once
again three levels of acceleration are to be experienced in this second
phase. From March 9, 2008 to April 9, 2008, we will move to yet another
layer of acceleration. Then from April 9to May 9, 2008 the second layer
begins. The last of this phase begins from the May 9 and completes its
cycle at June 9, 2008. This brings us to Summer Solstice (around June
20-22, 2008) where the energies which have peaked three times will
plateau again. That plateau will continue for three months until we
reach Fall Equinox of 2008 (September 20-22, 2008).
From September 20, 2008 we will begin to work with a new level of
energies. At that point the Maha Lord of Light who is the guardian and
supervisor to the Seven Lords of Light will pour down his energies upon
us on Earth. These energies will begin from Fall Equinox (September
20-22, 2008) and continue to Winter Solstice (December 20-22, 2008).
As you can see, the year of 2008 is a great and wonderful year for
spiritual acceleration and for the victory of light over darkness. The
victory of light will take many shapes and forms. From Earth’s point of
view, the acceleration will mean greater cleansing. Cleansing begins
with the five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether). The events
of the recent past including the fires, floods, earthquakes and such are
all part of the cleansing. Mother Earth is allowing herself these modes
of cleansing in order to open herself to receive greater light. No event,
even of disastrous nature, should be considered a catastrophe. You live
n a world filled with duality. This duality shapes your life. Your life
is made of good events and bad events; or so you choose to categorize
it! In the eyes of the higher beings, all is good. Every event brings
with it, and is the harbinger of greatness. The Earth is shaking herself
off of her dross, in order to absorb and illuminate herself with greater
light. You too shall shake yourself off of your dross. So, if you lose
your job, remember there is a better one waiting for you! If you lose
your partnership, remember, there is one with greater balance, harmony
and love waiting to be had! If there are lessons that you learn, and in
our own estimation, you learn them the hard way, perhaps it is time to
look for ways to learn lessons easier. Remember, sometimes to know what
you want, you have to experience what you do not want, and learn how to
eliminate it from your life. Sometimes knowing what you want carries you
to the point of earning it. Earning what you want takes you through the
pathway to cross over the bridge of what you do not want and choosing.
Remember that you have choices. I have said it before and I say it again:
There are always easier ways, there is always a means to find a shortcut.
This Grid of Light will allow you to accelerate your own vibrational
frequencies, to bring you the presence of mind, the clarity of heart,
the foresight to see what lies ahead of you and to choose the simple way,
the easy way, the shortcut. We are moving into a time of acceleration. I
have given you the format of how this acceleration will spread over
time; between now and 13 months from now, to further accelerate yourself
on this path which is awaiting all human-kind and Mother Earth. I
suggest that you remember daily to bring your energies before the
presence of the I AM THAT I AM and write yourself within that presence
with the planetary logos.
Afterall, the consciousness of the planetary logos is over-lighting this
planet and all souls. To raise your own vibrational frequency and to
accelerate yourself on the path of enlightenment, you may choose the
short cut of connecting with the consciousness of the planetary logos
and vibrating to the energies of your own I AM THAT I AM, which is your
own God-presence. In that way, you become the witness as well as the
active participant in the event of spiritualizing your life of matter
and materializing the spirit within you on Earth.
This experience which we call life and living in Third Dimensional
Reality, in your physical embodiments, is simply a practice run for
spiritualizing matter and materializing spirit. In this way duality is
no more and separation is bridged, ultimately to experience Oneness;
Oneness with spirit and matter. In bodies of matter you can experience
your own essence as spirit. At that point, separation is no more; at the
point you will no longer feel left out and lonely; at the point you do
not feel betrayed and punished; at that point you no longer feel
forsaken. For the lover, the love and the beloved become one. You become
the witness of all three, as well as the actor, the act and the action.
You set the script that you have written and you have memorized. You
choose the ultimate ending as you desire it. This is the ultimate
advantage of choosing free will. The best manifestation of free will is
when you can align yourself as the individualized aspect of God in
embodiment, doing what you will, what God wills and not seeing the two
as separate.
This exercise will help you bridge the gap between you as an individual
soul, lost and confused, and God as a supreme consciousness outside of
yourself. You merge into the essence of the planetary logs, whose
consciousness has brought this planet and all souls into manifest form.
In that Oneness you merge into the presence of God in form, in the
beingness of the I AM THAT I AM, all three are one. You as the body, the
planetary logos as the consciousness and the I AM as the soul find each
other. The body, the soul, and the consciousness unite. Then the spirit
of Oneness has found home. It can be free to roam within your body,
within your consciousness and within Earth.
So, do the exercises and merge every day as the first thing you do
before you commence your daily routine, and every night as the last
thing you do before you enter into the higher realms of consciousness in
dream time. Then your experience of dream-time will be a greater one, as
will your experience of your daily routine. Exercise moving your
energies to the presence of the I AM THAT I AM for seven consecutive
days. Then invite the presence of the Seven Lords of Light to come to
the Throne of the I AM and merge. Do this by visualizing that you enter
before the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM and observe the presence of
Sanat Kumara. Merge into the presence first. Visualize yourself and your
twin flame then enter and merge into the consciousness of Sanat Kumara
and the presence of the I AM THAT I AM. Then visualize the Seven Lords
of Light standing in a circle around the Throne. The Throne of the I AM
THAT I AM is extending and expanding to encompass the Seven Lords of
Light. Every Lord is beaming his light into the Throne where you reside.
Invite the Lords of Light to merge into the Throne. Start by calling
them as the “First Lord of Light”, all the way to the “Seventh Lord of
Light”. Individually invite each one to enter into the Throne where you,
your twin flame, Sanat Kumara and the presence of the I AM reside.
Experience each merging individually. When you have had the experience
of all Seven Lords merging into your beingness, at the Throne, hold that
vision and see it inside a platinum sphere by calling upon the presence
of my Lord Metatron and the Angelic forces of Yahoweh-El (pronounced
ya-ho-weh-el). Visualize that the legions of Yahoweh-El, stand around
the edge inside the platinum sphere of Lord Metatron. The Angelic forces
of Yahoweh-El are from the category of the “Thrones”. Angels, Archangels,
powers, principalities, thrones, cherubim and seraphim are the seven
categories. The angelic forces of Yahoweh-El hold the energy field of
the Throne of Yahweh and the feminine force of Shekinah, the Holy Spirit.
The angelic forces of Yahoweh-El are strong forces of light which hold
the masculine and feminine balance of higher light. Visualize legions of
Yahoweh-El creating a circle of light around this grid which consists of
you, your twin flame, Sanat Kumara, the I AM THAT I AM, and the Seven
Lords of Light sealed inside the sphere of platinum light which is
emanating from the heart of Metatron.
The Angelic forces of Yahoweh-El are the guardians of this sphere. They
stand at the edge of the sphere and guard the masculine and feminine
polarities, the magnetic and the electronic fields of your bodies (your
five body system), your consciousness, your soul. They allow the spirit
of light which emanates from the Heart-Core of the Seven Lords to fill
your own heart. Perform this entire Grid of Light for another three
weeks to complete one phase (you may then begin a second repetition and
continue through into the year 2008 and beyond. This can be a daily grid
of protection and acceleration through the year 2008).
I offer to you my love and my joy in celebrating this phase of glory and
victory which is awaiting us for the next 13 months. I bid you farewell.
I am Sanat Kumara.
Grid of Light Summary
Phase I
Visualize a triangle with Sanat Kumara at the North point, female twin
flame aspect at the South East and masculine twin flame aspect at the
South West.
Sanat Kumara is sending the Emerald Green Ray of Mental Clarity through
the palm of his right hand to your masculine aspects (South West point).
He is sending the Peach- Pink Ray of Emotional Cleansing through the
left hand to the feminine aspect (South East point).
The Emerald Green begins to spin inside the masculine aspect
The Peach-Pink begins to spin inside the feminine aspect
The Emerald Green will then begin to move toward the feminine aspect as
the Peach-Pink will then begin to move toward the masculine aspect.
The two reach half-way and meet and merge together. From the meeting and
merging, an outburst of light begins to emanate.
The outburst the light begins to turn into bright Pure White Light with
Platinum shimmer. This new light begins to fill the entire triangle. The
three points begin to spin and explode at the center of the triangle.
Sanat Kumara, the male twin flame or masculine polarity and the female
twin flame or feminine polarity then merge into oneness in outbursts of
Pure White Light with shimmering platinum light. Pause while you
visualize this exercise and take three deep breaths to fully absorb this
healing outburst of energy.
From the explosion of the three at the center of the triangle a Pillar
of Light is created. It extends down from below your feet to the central
heart-core of Mother Earth. It brings the energies of mental clarity and
emotional cleansing. Above you it extends from the top of your head
through your higher chakras to the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM. Seated
at the Throne is the brightly illumined perfected presence of the I AM
THAT I AM, God in form.
Important Note:
Please do this Grid of Light for 7 consecutive days. If you miss a day
you may add it to the end. Do not start the second phase unless you have
completed the first phase. During the 7 days of the first phase you are
building up the energy so it is very important not to skip ahead before
you have finished this first phase. Complete one week of merging with
Sanat Kumara, the planetary logos, then proceed to work with the Lords
of Light.
A few of us have been working on elements of this and other similar
grids since April of 2005. You are receiving a truly accelerated and
most intensified version of this grid which you will complete within a
phase of one month. Therefore, please understand it is imperative that
you complete the first phase prior to the second. This phase-by-phase
process is important for your own acceleration as well as for anchoring
of this Grid of Light correctly through your beingness.
Phase II
On day 8 begin by exercising Phase I above and continue with the
Invite the presence of the Seven Lords of Light to come to the Throne of
the I AM and merge. Visualize yourself standing before the Throne of the
I AM THAT I AM and observe the presence of Sanat Kumara. Merge into the
presence first. Visualize yourself and your twin flame then enter and
merge into the consciousness of Sanat Kumara and the presence of the I
Visualize the Seven Lords of Light standing in a circle around the
Throne. Visualize the Throne of the I AM THAT I AM expanding to
encompass the Seven Lords of Light.
Visualize each Lord beaming his light into the Throne where you reside.
Individually invite each Lord of Light to enter and merge into the
Throne with you. Say: “I invite the first Lord of Light to enter into
the Throne and merge with me, my twin flame and the presence of Sanat
Kumara.” Pause, take a deep breath and feel your own energy merge with
this great being. Experience each merging individually and completely.
Repeat this sentence until all seven have been invited and merged into
the Throne with you.
Hold the above vision and see it inside a platinum sphere by calling
upon the presence of my Lord Metatron. Say: “I call forth the presence
of my Lord Metatron and the angelic forces of Yahoweh-El. I ask the
angelic forces of Yahoweh-El to form a circle of light and protection
around us. I ask Metatron to form his platinum sphere of light and
protection around this entire Grid of Light”.
Visualize that the legions of Yahoweh-El, stand around the edge inside
the platinum sphere of Lord Metatron.
Visualize legions of Yahoweh-El creating a circle of light around this
grid which consists of you, your twin flame, Sanat Kumara, the I AM THAT
I AM, and the Seven Lords of Light and the legions of Yahoweh-El sealed
inside the sphere of platinum light which is emanating from the heart of
Metatron with the angelic forces of Yahoweh-El as the guardians of this
Perform this entire grid of Light for three weeks to complete one phase
of repetition which will last 28 days total. You may begin further
repetitions of the grid as many times as you like through the year 2008.
This grid will provide you acceleration on your spiritual growth,
protection of great cosmic beings, and removal of pain and dross from
your daily life. You will also help to raise the vibrational frequencies
of all elements and the Earth, as well as raising the consciousness of
all souls