
The Ah-Shan Point - a window until January 2008::

"At the full moon on October 26 2007, a great change took place within the Earth and across all of Creation, taking us into the "Ah-Shan point"=Creation ending its out-breath and moving into a stillness between the out-breath and the in-breath.The Gateways of Ah-Shan will remain open for 3 months, three full moons, as you experience the still point. [This means until the full moon on 22 January 2008, when the in-breath of Creation will begin.] This time presents an unprecedented opportunity for transformation of consciousness, the release of the masculine and acceptance of the feminine divine principles of light"

The Ah-Shan Point:
At the full moon on October 26 2007, a great change took place within the Earth and across all of Creation, taking us into the Ah-Shan point. In the lead-up to Ascension many important elements are coming together, each step more powerful than last and all with one incredible purpose: to facilitate the transition of the Earth into the 5th dimension. At the October full moon Creation ended its out-breath and moved into a stillness between the out-breath and the in-breath. As we know, almost everything breathes - a plant, a mouse, a human, a tree, a planet and Creation - all according to their size. The bigger the being, the longer the breath. This is a perfect time to be here, for we are witnessing a key moment in the evolution of creation and the coordinated programme that is designed to facilitate a massive shift in the Earth's energies with a rippling-out effect that will eventually encompass all of Creation. I believe the Earth to be the heart chakra of this universe, hence its importance in the grand scheme of Creation.

Events on the Day of October 26th:
At the beginning of the still point, the ending of the out-breath of Creation, an amazing alignment took place from Source across all manifested Creation and I witnessed the following:

4.35 am - the Light Gates of Divinity came into perfect inner alignment and opened.
The higher realms of consciousness aligned to the Divine and came to rest in unity.
4.45 am - there was silver, platinum and diamond light coming into the third eye and opening it more strongly
4.51 am - the moment of the full moon - the Divine Gates all came into alignment and opened. The angelic hierarchies and spiritual hierarchies became as one. Every cell in my body was opened and aligned to the Divine.

Within 10 minutes of the full moon, Ah-Shan had begun. The divine feminine had returned. We are now in the stillness between the out-breath and the in-breath of Creation. Across the world, all of the temple energies and sacred energies, the inner Earth kingdoms, the pyramids in Egypt, all opened and sent out beams of light to the Divine.

5.09 am - I was joined by Marunna, an 8th dimensional divine feminine master. I noticed a softness in the air, in the vibration of the space and on the Earth, that is still here now - the gentleness is of Source, all in perfect stillness and alignment. Divine Gateways have opened on Earth.

Amongst the Gateways there are a number that have linked to every incarnate human being, including one that links into the heart chakra.

The Divine Gateways of Ah-Shan:
Marunna told me this:
"The Gateways of Ah-Shan will remain open for 3 months, three full moons, as you experience the still point. [This means until the full moon on 22 January 2008, when the in-breath of Creation will begin.] This time presents an unprecedented opportunity for transformation of consciousness, the release of the masculine and acceptance of the feminine divine principles of light.

" In this time much can be released from the Earth across all planes of consciousness. Unprecedented growth opportunities abound, dearest one. We are here, the ladies of light [see the Iona Light website channelling page section on female masters for some of them new to the Earth], to help in new ways that we could not access or bring forward into Creation before. Now the pathways of the divine feminine principles open and the healing of the feminine must begin within all life everywhere in Creation."

I am very excited by what is now under way. I believe that we have never witnessed anything as magnificent in our lives before, and I feel it to be the most significant moment in our lives so far. As Marunna has said, here is an opportunity presented to us in the Earth to bring about a substantial shift in consciousness. The Divine Gateways can be used for healing in a simple and very effective way, but this is not all. At this time and until the full moon in January, because of the powerful alignments from Source across all of manifested creation that reach into the world, there is a special opening that deeply empowers our creative thoughts and actions. This time enables us to contribute in a very effective way to the positive creation of our new world leading up to and after Ascension. Positive intentions laid out now will help us speed up the world healing process and assist in the reconciliation of the many conflicts taking place at all levels, from the inner pain-filled emotions to the outer world situations, terror, war starvation and suffering. In addition, if we work well, we can increase the opportunity for many more people in the world to be able to cross the threshold of Enlightenment leading up to and at the point of world Ascension, helping them to complete their own healing process in the briefest of moments and go on to ascend.

Share this information:
Compassion for our world and every point of consciousness leads me to ask you to take every possible positive action to support the Ah-Shan Point transition. The window is short and every moment has a powerful influence on how our world will transform and what it will become. We can carry on as before and all will be well. We will make the threshold of Enlightenment and a good number will ascend - but we have it within us to do much more.

Feel this in your heart and know the truth through loving discernment. Join with me and share this information with others if it feels right to you. Watch your thoughts and take positive supporting actions that enhance life, that create an incredible bright future for our world and add immeasurably to the rippling-out benefits across Creation thereafter.

Healing with the Divine Gates:
Please also use this time to heal deeply for yourself. You can use the Divine Gates that have opened in your heart to help you in an unprecedented way.

Ground and centre yourself, and place your attention on your heart chakra in the middle of your chest. Go into your heart chakra with your intention. Feel the softness there and take your attention inside it. As you relax more deeply, feel the softness deepening. Go inside that soft feeling in your heart until you can sense the Divine Gates. They appear as bright silvery-white light. They have a tingly sensation. Whatever you see or feel, simply use your intention to take you there. Once you sense the Gates, use your intention to focus them on any healing issue, pain, emotion, entity and so on that you wish to clear. As the Gates align to this place, they will transform the energy almost immediately. It will feel as if the Gates are "hovering" up the energy as all of Creation is aligned from Source right into the Earth and bending its will to help you. With some aspects of your healing the blockage is in layers, Be patient with the work that is taking place and continue to use the Gates to clear all of the layers before you release your attention.

Seize the moment:
During this sacred window your healing journey can be greatly accelerated. Use the Gates abundantly to help you heal and clear yourself, or work intensively in your usual ways to heal and clear. The more work you do, the lighter you will become and in this way your vibration will rise by many octaves if you are diligent in your effort. All of Creation bends its will to help us now. It is in their interest to do so, because they will be on the receiving end of all that we have positively manifested through the Earth's Ascension. All that they seek is to beautify the process and enhance all that can be achieved through it. Through an act of unconditional love and in divine service, without interfering in our free will, they can now take an action that can truly help us. This is an unprecedented time for positive change and spiritual unfoldment for all of the world. Make it your time! And if it feels right, bring as many others as possible to awareness of the opportunities it offers so that we can all use it wisely and well for the common good.

Bless you,
Shabdan, Bridge of Light