
June 28 , 2007
The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge.

Here's the latest: The Mercury retrograde alongside the solstice (and just the ascension process alone!) began a pattern that we are still experiencing. Some things are just plain weird right now, with stories and scenarios changing by the minute. There also seems to be much to do, oh much to do, and when one thing is finished, another arrives right on its heels. But the "weird" things that seem to be occurring are the most predominant, as much simply does not make sense.
Why? Because we are once again "re-calibrating" and restructuring. Much came to the surface because of the solstice/retrograde energies. This created a lot of debris in our paths, a big mish mosh of energies that were flying around with nothing left to adhere to, and basically a temporary holding pattern for many of us with some of our endeavors. Things, then, are not settled yet, or all the way into their new grooves and we cannot then, move forward until we get stabilized.
When much is being purged or released, as was the case with the solstice/retrograde, the darker and denser energies move up and out. When much of these types of energies are flying around, it can create what feels like depression (and it can be very sudden and intense indeed), sadness, grief, a strong desire for something that feels right and better to arrive very soon, and even feelings of panic and great loss.
This is a typical ascension scenario. In the beginning years (from 2000 onward), depression was a continual epidemic because of this. Much has been transmuted and removed now, so this scenario only occurs here and there. If you are one who has been feeling depressed for quite some time, please take care of yourself and don't assume it is simply an ascension symptom. Medication may be required and a good doctor can really help. Most old souls, like we are, experienced abuse and suffering in our younger years (so we could transmute these energies for all of the planet through ourselves), and a great amount of healing can be required before we can move forward. But once we do, many more of the beautiful and glorious experiences seem to arrive in an avalanche!
Ascension depression comes in intense waves and lasts briefly. It can feel nearly unmanageable and it can go deep. But we are able to experience much bliss in between. This is the difference. It is the same with panic and anxiety, and waves of crying and sadness. They come and go, and are not always present. It can be quite challenging to know what is really going on at times. And the ascension process mimics menopause very closely, with short term memory loss, hot flashes and night sweats, heightened emotions, abdominal weight gain, food cravings, an inability to lose weight (no matter what we do!), sleeplessness, and the like. Only most men are having these symptoms as well!
This latest round went deep. We excavated much. It was rough. And because of all these released energies flying around, our paths can get cloudy. It is hard to see with so much in our way. The beauty of the ascension process, is that as more and more gets cleared away, we are then able to really and truly "see" what is real. All the peripherals are gone. We do not need them anymore.
My husband Phil loves to cook. He is an awesome cook and does all the grocery shopping and prepares all the meals. Our refrigerator is usually very full. I am not used to this, as I am a terrible cook, and my refrigerator was always nearly empty. I am now having trouble "seeing" what is really in the refrigerator, as it is so full! But he knows what is in there, even if I don't.
When much is temporarily in our paths, we can easily lose sight of where we once knew we were headed. We may not know what is going on. It can be tempting to come up with a new and sudden change of plans, as we are confused. But if we know that we are simply re-calibrating, and that much will become clearer when the debris clears, we can then move forward in a new and better way in the near future.
Basically, then, much has been disrupted and does not know where it belongs anymore. There are many old energies that are lost and without a home, as the older and lower vibrating energies can no longer reside in this new world. The energies have nothing to attach to, so "weird" things are occurring that do not make sense.
But the "going deep into as yet un-attended to energies" scenario can create some wonderful things as well. Things that were on the back burner or were not ready for attention are suddenly needing assistance if we are to move forward. For example: A few days ago our dog Louie began vomiting with diarrhea. We take him out in nature every day, and as dogs get into some yucky things and at times bad water, we thought this might be the case. But after two days, he was failing fast and a vet was in order.
We were absolutely shocked to learn that he was experiencing kidney failure. Phil had found Louie in the forest three years prior, lost, malnourished, and frightened, and these two had become inseparable buddies (they had most certainly helped each other through the ascension process as well). Louie, like most of our four legged friends are, had become a dear friend and constant companion to both of us.
The diagnosis from the first vet at the clinic was pretty dire…Louie's test scores were not good and he needed to be admitted to the pet hospital for a few days for a strict diet of fluids only. After that, we would all know more. We were crushed, could not eat or sleep, and I was too distraught to check on things at a higher level. But when I finally did, I was shown that Louie had at least three more years in him, and would most likely depart this world for other reasons than his kidneys. And the kind of care he needed was very minor as well.
When we went to pick him up, we had another vet. He was very different from the first, but we really like them both. This vet said that he rarely bought into any test results on paper. He had seen far too many dogs recover and many dogs never fit the prescribed scenario. Then he said the magic words….that we could basically make the situation whatever we wanted it to be. With a low protein diet, and a regular monitoring, Louie might just be fine! No worries, just relax, enjoy, and allow.
So what had occurred here? Louie had evidently had this disorder for awhile. It had been hidden until the recent solstice/retrograde energies had brought it to the surface for examination and healing. This gave us a wonderful opportunity to now be aware of his condition, and treat it accordingly. Without these powerful energies creating such an upheaval, we may not have known about Louie's condition until it was too late.
So much is being purged and moved out during this time, that many of our four legged friends are behaving very strangely as well. These sweet and loving beings are really feeling these energies.
Another scenario that occurred for me that many of you might be tired of hearing about (smile), is the one with my web site. Yes, it is still being worked on, as it was far worse than expected, but it involves totally re-structuring the programming, getting a new server, and new domain host, and I even have to get a new laptop.
These energies are revealing things at deeper, structural levels that need to be rewired in order for us to move forward with a very new foundation. I will also be getting new software from my new web team so I can work on my web site myself, in every way possible. Everything needed to be switched over and integrated so as to work in harmony, before I could begin anew with the new program Stepping Into the New Reality. The underlying format will extremely pure and harmonious to all viewers.
And this is how it currently is. This re-structuring energy is manifesting in many different ways for all of us, but when this round is complete, we will really be ready to move forward in a much better way and in a much more re-aligned way as well.
As always, all is in divine and perfect order. And through it all, I have never seen or experienced more love, caring, and respect from everything around. We are vibrating so high now, that when we encounter things that are not "tapped in," connected to, or exhibiting complete respect, caring, love, and support, it can feel like a hard slap or big splash of cold water in our faces. This is why this latest round of darker energies may have felt so very strange, unusually harsh, and a significant contrast to what we are beginning to know as the "new norm."
Yes, the new norm is here to stay. All our needs will be met, and anything other than the highest of energies will feel so out of place and unpleasant indeed. We have made great progress. July will really move things forward again, all our ducks will be in a row, and away we will go! Miracles abounding, joys ever-present, and our dreams manifesting….
Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.
Until next time,