Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Dearest Lightworkers, in the month of December there will be a significant
increase in the intensity of Light and Love flowing from the Galactic
Center, and activating change and evolution throughout the Cosmos. New
Light Codes will be transmitted into the Paradise Grids to activate the
next cycle of evolution on Planet Earth. The energy of the Divine
Feminine, in its Solar form, will energize and activate these changes on
your planet.
Dearest Lightworkers, you can expect increased luminescence and radiance
to pour forth from your Sun, as the Earth spirals into a new cycle. This
in turn will accelerate consciousness on the planet to a Higher Octave. We
can say, dearest ones, that we expect a significant shift in the
Collective Consciousness in this period, beginning with the 12:12 Stargate
on the 12th of December, and moving through to the Solstice on the 22nd of
What will this shift be? Well, we have spoken to you of the Quantum
awakening and the shift into new perceptual modes, and so we will say,
many of you will reach a level of consciousness in which you will begin to
"see", in your waking state, into the Higher Dimensions. You will
understand the nature of quantum reality and you will walk in the Dream
Time with confidence and trust.
And, as you make this shift, you will begin to understand how you create
your own reality from within. And you will begin to perceive yourself as a
"Galactic Human". For your Galactic Lightbody will be fully connected, and
you will become aware of the presence of the Celestial beings who work
with you. These beings have always been here, waiting patiently for you to
be ready to see them and work with them. For, dearest ones, you will only
"see" them with your Heart. Your mind will not accept their presence, as
the Collective Consciousness has as yet refused to allow them to exist in
the mental framework of reality. But, as you move into a heart-based
reality, you will see with the eyes of Love and you will feel and receive
the Love that has always been there. it will be a Joyous Reunion as you
begin to merge with your Galactic families.
But, we can say that this may be a turbulent process. You are pioneers,
and you are breaking through consciousness barriers of fear and illusion
that are thousands of years old, to be the first to welcome your Celestial
families. As your Galactic Lightbodies are infused with the radiant energy
from the Galactic Center via Sirius and the Sun, you will accelerate
quickly into Galactic Consciousness. You will traverse this "fear zone" of
the Collective Consciousness, this man made barrier of fear that has been
created to keep you separate and alone and disconnected from your Galactic
and Celestial origins and inheritance. As you reconnect, you will need to
be fearless and courageous, and accept your Cosmic birthright with Joy. As
you move through this "fear zone', it will begin to dissipate and break
down, allowing many more to awaken to their Celestial origins as true "Starchildren"
. For, just as all Humans are "Human Angels", all humans are "Starchildren"
, and have their origins in the Stellar families of the Cosmos.
As the light increases and the old barriers of fear dissolve, you will
once again be ready to unite with your Cosmic families. The Human Family,
of whom you are the first representatives, will reach out in Love and
Peace, to connect with your Loving and Peaceful relations in the Cosmos.
The Heart is the Key "Starchild" by artist Jean-Luc
Bozzoli. at
As you journey through the "fear zone", that ancient and crystallized
barrier of fear and lies, you will need to be a true Warrior of the Heart.
Stay focused in your Heart, and do not allow your mind to spin out into
anger and fear. At this time of the year, when people are in any event,
often anxious and irritable, it is so important that you "suspend" mental
and emotional judgments and live only in the love of the Heart.
Many of you have been trained in these skills in the last year, but now is
the time to truly be in your Heart and live from your Heart.
We will suggest only briefly what you may feel and experience at this
time, and then suggest how you may best deal with any symptoms of
electromagnetic disturbance or distortion that may arise.
* On the PHYSICAL level, you may feel tired to the point of exhaustion as
the energy bodies spin faster in response to the accelerated frequencies
of light. You may feel "waves" of energy flowing through your arms and
legs, and these feelings may be quite powerful at certain times. You may
struggle to sleep at night, and then be very tired during the day, wanting
to sleep. So, rest as much as you can. All is Well.
* On the EMOTIONAL level you may feel like you are living on a roller
coaster! Up and then down. You may be irritable and quick to flare up. Or
you may be depressed and anxious. You may, at times, feel intense fear and
anxiety and be afraid to be alone. You may feel like you are going to die,
but remember you are traversing an artificial fear zone created of
man-made fears and illusions, so just breathe and release. All is Well.
* On the MENTAL level, you may feel as if everything is moving too fast,
and you may feel mentally exhausted and near burn-out. This is because in
western culture the mind is overactive and over stimulated anyway. An
increase in light frequency will further stimulate the mind and exacerbate
an already out of balance situation. Relax, breathe, allow things to flow
at their own speed and don't try to "keep up", you will never be able to.
The best response is to "slow down" and just "flow", no resistance, just
acceptance. All is Well.
* On the HEART level you may FEEL everything very intensely. Celebrate.
You are reconnecting with the Cosmic Heartbeat and feeling the flow of
Divine Creative Energy in every cell.
In fact, dearest Lightworkers, the more you can be in your Heart energy,
the more easily you will cope with the Galactic flows of Light and Love.
For, the Celestial energy flows into your Heart Chakra and then flows
through your physical being and into the Crystalline Earth Grids known as
the Paradise Matrix.
So, in this time of increased luminescence, flow the energy through your
body and into the Grids. you can do this through Intentional Ceremonies of
Light and Joy. Use this month to celebrate : sing, dance, play music,
play, enjoy your food, have great sex.......allow your physical body to be
an instrument for the joy and laughter of your Soul. Share this Joy and
Laughter with others. If possible, be out of doors, connect with the Devas
and the Nature Spirits and the Fairies! Play in the Cosmos, feel the flows
of Love and Light, release all fear.......All is Well and as it Should Be!
The Galactic Human is the Light Bridge between the Cosmic energies and the
Crystalline Grids of planet Earth. The Paradise Matrix that was activated
in March of 2005, under the guidance of Venus, is being "set alight" with
the passionate love of the Divine Feminine energy, as Venus dances through
the Fire sign of Sagittarius in her role as the Creative and
Transformational Solar of Fire Goddess!
The 12:12 Stargate and the Solstice...and other important dates in
December 2006 soulmates.jpg - 36600 Bytes
Sagittarius, the ninth house representing Higher Consciousness and
Spirituality, is the current "home" of the Galactic Center in relation to
the Earth. In December, six of the planets will traverse or be situated in
Sagittarius, creating the dynamic energy of Transformation and the waves
of radiant light as each planet acts as a prism or accelerator for the
Cosmic evolutionary Light Codes that flow from the Galactic Center.
The Sun will be in Sagittarius until the Solstice on the 22nd of December,
when it moves into Capricorn, and Venus will be in Sagittarius until the
11th of December.
The Full Moon will be on the 5th of December, with the Full Moon in
Gemini, the Third house. Gemini brings in the Air or mental energy of the
"Twins", and allows us to integrate and reconcile and balance
complementary aspects within ourselves. Combined with Venus in
Sagittarius, this is an optimum moment for Soulmate Unions to be activated
or balanced. The energy of the Solar Divine Feminine will be particularly
strong at this time. If you do a Full Moon meditation, it would be
advisable to include music and dancing to assist in flowing the strong
Fire and Air energies. On the 6th of December, Mars enters into
Sagittarius as well....the God and Goddess are united in the Ninth House
of Higher Consciousness.
On the 8th of December, the 12:12 Stargate will begin to open, reaching
its climax on the 12th. In this brief window of time, the 6th to the 11th
of December, Venus and Mars will both be in Sagittarius, creating balance
and bringing in the new Light Codes for Soulmate relationships in Higher
Consciousness. The 12:12 energy wave will assist to create a wonderful
union and integration, and will allow many to begin working towards the
realization of Twin Flame Unions on the Earth Plane. This was the
possibility that was laid down in the Earth Crystalline Grids during the
Venus Transit and when the Paradise Matrix was activated.
The 12:12 Stargate will close by the 16th of December, but this will be
followed by the Solstice on the 22nd of December. At this time, the Earth
will be at a point of complete balance and harmony, situated at that point
of rest and change between midsummer and midwinter. Those who have entered
into Cosmic and Planetary Consciousnesss will be able to feel and
experience this moment of Total Balance and Joy, and within Soulmate
Unions there will be a moment of absolute bliss, as the partners who
represent the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies allow themselves to
unite in complete balance and total Unconditional Love.
On the 25th of December, the enlightened followers of the Christ path will
celebrate the birth of the Planetary Teacher, Yeshua ben Josef, and his
Twin Flame, Mariam, also known as Mary Magdalene. May this day that
celebrates the entry of the Higher Crystal or Christed consciousness to
the Planet and the activation of the Twin Flame energy on Earth, be
celebrated with Joy and Unconditional love.
May it be a celebration of the Divine Christ Light within each Man and
Woman on the Planet and a celebration of the Higher Union of the Christed
Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies through Christed Human Beings at
this time!
Peace, Grace and Love to You All.