
Note to the reader: Express the intent to be "in the NOW" at the channelling,
and for your energy to be combined with the group that was present.

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
27 January 2007at Wynberg, Cape Town

"Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine"

Greetings Dear Ones for I AM KRYON of Magnetic Service.

You are getting wonderful weather at the moment, beautiful and hot weather
in the fairest Cape of them all. There are major shifts occurring in this
year 2007, it is the year when everything begins to come together or comes
together. Most of the healing has been done. You have learned how to heal
yourselves. You know the process. The shame that slowed the healing process
down, and bound you all to your wounding is releasing. Love is the only answer
and love is the only way.

Once again you are stepping into a totally, totally, new world? a world of
love, joy, fertility, creativity and freedom and as the time goes by ecstasy
will become one of your energies, not bliss but ecstasy? there is a difference;
ecstasy is a pro-active energy and bliss is a lack of groundedness. Ecstasy
comes with being grounded. Bliss is an ungrounded state of being that a lot
of eastern philosophies teach people to be and it is not where you want to
experience your life, on other planes, your life is to be experienced here
on earth, otherwise you cannot be counted. You are not present if you are
in states of bliss.

In being present you are in a space where you can take decisions and make
choices, understand things and become physical. When you are out of your
body playing games around other parts and corners of the Universe many things
can happen to your body, things can happen to you that you don't want to
happen. So, there is a great shift of energy coming, a greater groundedness,
a greater sense of being present and an ability to hold being present. The
more you are present the more you manifest on this earth, the more that you
get what you want. And, it comes with a very, very different energy, a feeling
that you know when you are blocking what you want, you're in your body and
you are feeling what is stopping the energy flowing. Whereas if you are out
of your body you are not really feeling what blocks the energy of what you

So, close your eyes and come into your bodies and feel yourself in your bodies
and put your feet flat on the floor and allow yourselves to connect to Mother
Earth through your feet. Allowing roots to go deep, deep, deep into Mother
Earth and the more and more you practice this, or have practiced this the
more safe and secure you will feel on Mother Earth. Allow yourselves to connect
to Father Sky through your crown chakra. Allow the energies of Mother Earth
and Father Sky to merge in your bodies; your bodies know how this should
be done and wherever you feel any resistance allow these two energies to
ebb and to flow and to dissolve the resistance.

Also, become very cognizant of the feminine Divine, for in the west God is
always considered masculine and we know that in the New Age the God is both
masculine and feminine and everything that is. But the way that Christianity
was taught when you were children, it was like God was an old gray man with
a long beard, the masculine God. So it is the child within you that needs
to be re-educated, it is the child that needs to know that God is both feminine
and masculine and you need these two Divine energies to merge within you
to create the life-force within you. As these energies merge you will have
energy to create the reality of your own choosing, to give yourself the gifts
that you want for your life. You will be able to energize your dreams. Operating
only with the masculine Divine or feminine Divine does not allow for true
and powerful creation, you have to educate the child within you that there
are two energies around God or the Divine.

Allow yourself to go inside and find the child that thinks that God is the
little man with the long beard that sits on a star or a cloud. Allow that
child to experience the feminine Divine and the true masculine Divine and
just be with that child and allow it to understand the difference? and let
this energy flow through the child and you will be quite surprised how your
life begins to change as you accept the feminine more and more, as you become
cognitive that there has been an absence of the feminine Divine in certain
aspects of your life; even though as an adult you are quite clear that the
Divine is both masculine and feminine. For a woman appreciating the feminine
Divine is another step into their powerful feminine state of being, a part
of the enjoyment of being a woman, for a man it is the acceptance of his
feminine soul, of the feminine Divine. It is almost half of your psyche being
re-energized and brought into balance.

True creation always takes the masculine energies and the feminine energies
and when you mix the masculine and the feminine with the Divine then you
start to move energies within yourself, you start to heal very, very quickly;
you start to bring true unconditional love into your life, a pure love, love
that walks between compassion and sexuality, it will allow you to be pure,
to be clear, it will allow you to walk your Divine walk, it will allow you
to step more and more into that very truth of who you are, it will allow
you to create in an amazing way, it will take you into a whole new world,
a new fantastic point of view. No one can tell you no or say you are only
dreaming. As your energy within is configured more and more strongly with
your inner father occupying your top three chakras and your inner mother
occupying the lower three chakras in your body and the inner child in your
heart ? it will create more flow between your inner mother and your inner
father, more security for the child and more energy for the child to express
itself, and to live the life that it really wants, it dreams about, and that
you dreamed about for your child.

So just allow these two energies of the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine
to continually flow through you and flow into those aspects of the child
that don't understand that there is a masculine and there is a feminine God.
Allow this to re-awaken the inner child within and allow yourself to step
into your truth, your totally orgasmic truth. Observe areas in your body
where you have not allowed the feminine or the masculine Divine? and just
allow this energy to move into those spaces, into those places? let the love
go deeper and deeper and deeper for this will open the pathways to your heart
where you know that there's only one person that you can truly love in this
world ? your twin flame. That will bring back that part of your heart that
at some time in your life you rejected, normally it is the first time that
you got a broken heart. The pain is so searing, so difficult that you decide
to caste that part of your heart away or maybe hide it somewhere, maybe in
a desert or at the bottom of a river but you have all got your own secret
places where you hid your heart the first day it got broken.

Now it is actually time to go back in time and find that day when your heart
did get broken. Just allow the feminine and the masculine Divine to hold
that space? and Kryon to hold this space? The room now is filling with the
Divine presence, the angelic realm and your spirit guides, holding you so
that you can go back in time and remember where you hid your heart, that
part of your heart that can love your other half, that other special person
that you came to this earth to meet. It is possible that you are in a relationship
with that person already, it could have been for years and years and years
but you never had this part of your heart there, in place, to really make
the magic.

So allow yourselves to go back in time and remember that time when your heart
got broken for the very first time? and see where you put your heart, that
part of your heart, that special part of your heart. When you were young
you didn't have the energy or the wisdom to hold such a romantic love in
your heart or in your life and when you felt that first pangs of separation
from a loved one it was very, very painful? So as you feel your heart returning,
allow your heart to open and feel that love flow into your heart, feel that
ecstatic love touching the very core of your heart and allow the love to
flow and to energize and allow forgiveness to come in to your heart, into
your life for yourself and for the other person that was involved in this
event in your life. Allow forgiveness for the Divine and for allowing you
to go through this whole process. 2007 will be a great year for love, for
finding true love? So allow that energy of love to flow into your heart and
allow that part of your heart that is meant for relationships with your twin-flame
to open up, to return and to open like a beautiful hibiscus flower, wide
open in the hot African sun. Ready to receive, without fear? where there
is fear just allow the fear of true love to come into your bodies, for today
that fear will be released. There is much fear around love, around your heart
getting broken again. Allow the fear? just be with the fear? let it come
and go, let it come and let it go. This fear is creating a reality around
a broken heart? let the fear come and let the fear go? allow the fear to
come and go in amounts that you can manage? the fear is releasing, slowly,
slowly, slowly the fear releases?

You are all here on a spiritual purpose on this planet and you will find
that when you really love your partner that everything goes so much more
smoothly, so much easier. When there are two of you working and going in
the same direction with the same dream you go forward with a far greater
force. When you go forward into your dream with someone that is dreaming
the same dream it is so much easier. Life is so much easier. Of course there
are many issues around relating but even this is a dream. To relate is a
journey deeper and deeper into yourself? where you create the relationship
that works within you, for yourself, so that you can connect deeper and deeper
with your partner, finding out the very truth of your existence understanding
exactly what your life purpose is? taking you deeper and deeper into truth
and into wholeness... into that state of oneness where one and one makes
two, not half and half makes a quarter. There is a big difference between
being a quarter and being two but you can't do this with a broken heart.
You have to recall that part of your heart, be with that part of your heart,
and let that part of your heart know that it is actually safe just to be
exactly the way it is.

Your heart is unique to you and your partner?s heart is unique to them? you
will know when you meet the right person? the two hearts fit together like
two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle? strong? and powerful. Whatever issues arise
between you you will be able to work out with ease. Not only that but you
will have the will to work out your issues and you will become closer and
closer, trusting more and more and becoming exactly who you are meant to
be? allowing love to flow, to flow on this earth, a deep, meaningful, passionate
and responsible love? a love that flows through your heart and your partner?s
heart? connecting the two of you like a ribbon that's tied around a present,
for you all will look so beautiful when you are deeply in love.

This is the work that you have come to do and this is the reason that you
have done so much work. It is to allow your heart to breath and to live and
to love, and to allow the excitement and the joy of life on this earth. As
this love that flows through your heart connects with your sexuality it will
take you into realms of ecstasy previously unheard of on this planet, only
ever dreamed of.

There is a new energy coming, an uncontrollable energy, but an energy nonetheless.
An energy that will make the politicians want it and desire it. The religions
will begin to crumble as they see what is happening to a certain portion
of the population. Those who have done the work will become the leaders in
this New Age. The priests and the politicians, that have not done this work,
will fall away for there is a new axis of power on this earth and the new
state of being flowing into this earth. There is no power or force on this
earth that will stop this happening. It is by Divine decree that this energy
flows. This energy will be one of freedom, and of ecstasy; it will be of
pure love. You will neither look towards sexuality nor compassion; you will
walk that middle road of pure love. You will be able to exercise Divine will
at will, without becoming embroiled in emotion or thoughts. You will quickly
begin to step into your power and take your life by the scruff of its neck,
shake it up, shake out all the dead wood and all the dust and all the things
that have been holding you back and walk on into a new unconditional truth
of who you are.

Your health will begin to improve and your bodies will become fully energized
and your light will become so it is visible to all; and questions will be
asked? who, how and why? How did that person manage to get so much light
and so much energy? You will become infectious and your state of being will
lead others into the light, into a new state of consciousness and understanding.
A state of consciousness and understanding that is far beyond the spoken
word, for there is no language on this earth, at this moment, that can conceptionalise
clearly what is going to happen for those who have done the work, in the
next two to three years. Love and light will fill your hearts and you will
begin to experience a whole new world and once again a whole new fantastic
point of view, with no-one to say no you are only dreaming. You and your
dream will almost become instantaneous. The material world on this earth
will begin to crumble, and how this will happen is because you will be able
to create your realities so, so easily. The old days of the factory or the
office will slowly but surely get further and further away from you. Your
money will come easier and easier and without stress, it will just happen,
but partly it will just happen because you are just in love. The love will
just flow and the love will energize your life and your material world and
you will be far more than content on this planet. Contentment is a second
rate emotion to what you are going to experience in the next few years.

We said love is always the answer, but what is love, where does love come
from? Is there anybody on this earth that you can actually look up to and
say that person is pure love, that person loves the way I would really like
to love. That is a question you must ask yourself. Is there someone who knows
how to love that I can look up to? We say at this moment these people are
so few and far between and to hold that energy at the moment is almost impossible,
but the earth plane is maturing, it's ripening. You are becoming responsible
enough to hold such a potent energy and it will take great courage and great
personal power to be able to step into such a relationship.

Step by step of the way the love, the courage and the personal power will
come to you as will the knowledge and the wisdom of how love's meant to be
and how to hold this energy of love and what it will bring to you. For Dear
Ones, we are bringing these Kryon teachings to you to not only evolve the
earth plane but to evolve the Universe of which the earth belongs and where
there are many, many other life forms? and this is a project will not fail.
We are here bringing you this knowledge, this wisdom and this understanding
in service, not only to the earth plane but in service to the Universe and
the galaxies beyond.

The earth plane is set to vibrate at another energy, a completely different
energy, and you are the ones who are leading the way. You are the ones on
the cutting edge of this new world. You are the ones who are stepping into
your truth. So allow the love to flow into your hearts. You have all been
growing like a plant with a flower? when a plant grows you eventually see
the tight bud? some of you are ready to allow that tight bud to open and
to let the whole of humanity see the very truth of who you are and who you've
become as a result of the work that you've been doing.

You will all bring many, many special gifts to this earth plane, much new
knowledge and much new wisdom. Everything on this earth plane is evolving
and has been evolving. You have stepped into a new world through a process
of gnosis, understanding yourself, and as you understand yourself that understanding
becomes the knowledge that drives your life, the knowledge that holds you
in a space of trust, and you know how the Divine actually works within you.
So allow that Divine feminine and that Divine masculine to intensify and
to flow even more and more. At the same time allow the flow through your
crown chakra of the Divine Father energy and through your base the Divine
Mother and feel yourself suspended between heaven and earth with the feeling
of groundedness and security here on earth. It may sound strange to say suspended
between heaven and earth and after that to qualify it with groundedness but
that is how it will be, for there will be a flow of energy from the earth
and a flow of energy from Father Sky that will keep you grounded and suspended
at the same time.

You are many, many aspects of yourself? you are not just a physical being,
you are also a light being as well as an emotional being. All these energies
will begin to become more and more transparent and the veil between these
energies is being lifted and you are becoming able to see more and more of
yourself and the truth of who you are. The truth is that you are magical
beings of this Universe. When the bud of that tight flower opens and the
petals begin to face the sun you will begin to realize that you are exactly
the opposite to what you thought you were. You will realize and you will
become the knowledge that you are magical beings of this Universe.

So Dear Ones go well and God Bless for this is Kryon signing out. Thank You.

Copyright © David Brown.
All rights reserved.